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旅游管理专业本科学生核心竞争力 评价与培养研究 摘 要 个人核心竞争力是指个人能以自身知识技能为基础,并能在不断学习中创新、整合可利用资源,为组织或个人带来利益得一类不易被竞争对手效仿、具有持续竞争优势的、独特的能力组合。旅游业的不断发展的今天,旅游企业间的竞争在不断的加剧,而企业间的竞争在于人才的竞争,这就对即将走进社会的大学生的素质提出了更高的要求。作为本科院校的旅游管理学生,更应该具有很强的核心能力来应对现今的竞争形势,核心竞争力必然是我们关注得重点。 本文通过对以往专家学者对个人核心竞争力的研究成果做以分析,并通过对旅游教育的方向对本科旅游专业学生核心竞争力的评价和培养进行研究,从而得到较为全面的评价指标体系和旅游管理本科教育的发展方向与培养模式,以期推进旅游管理本科专业学生核心竞争力的研究。 [关键词] 核心竞争力;旅游管理;本科教育;重要程度—表现程度分析法 Abstract Personal core competence is that individuals can be base on their knowledge and skills, and can innovation in continuous learning and can integrate of available resources ,it will bring a combination of unique abilities for organizations or individuals that is a sustainable competitive and not easy to follow. Now tourism has highly developed,the competition among tourism enterprises is continuing increase, while the competition among enterprises is the talent competition, which the phenomenon make company have higher quality requirements to college students when they graduated. As a student of undergraduate tourism management,we should have a strong core competence to fece todays competitive situation, so we must be focus on the core competence. The paper will analyze the research results of experts about personal core competence and research the evaluation and training of the undergraduate tourism students by the direction of tourism education,in order to get a more comprehensive evaluation system ,a set of training model and the development direction, resulting promote the research that the core competence of undergraduate tourism management students. [Key Words] Core Competence; Tourism Management; Undergraduate Education; Importance-performance analysis 目 录 摘 要 (I) 1 绪论 (1) 1.1研究背景 (1) 1.1.1旅游管理专业本科教育的发展 (1) 1.1.2旅游教育界与旅游业界供求关系不匹配 (1) 1.1.3 旅游管理专业本科学生核心竞争力的重要性 (2) 1.2研究意义 (2) 1.2.1理论意义 (2) 1.2.2现实意义 (3) 1.3研究目的 (3) 1.4研究问题 (3) 1.5研究范围与限制 (4) 1.6名词的操作性定义 (4) 1.6.1核心竞争力 (4) 1.6.2旅游管理 (4) 1.6.3旅游管理专业 (5) 1.6.4指标体系 (5) 1.6.5问卷法 (5) 1.6.6IPA分析法 (5) 2 理论基础 (5) 2.1核心竞争力


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