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22 , 125 Vol. 22, Sum. No. 125 2004 5 , 3 ENERGY CONSERVATION TECHNOLOGY May2004, No. 3 安全人机工程及其在电力事故预防与分析中的应用 1 2 2 , , ( 1哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司, 黑龙江哈尔滨 150046 2哈尔滨工业大学, 黑龙江哈尔滨 150001) : 随着火电厂单机容量的不断增大 电力系统自动化水平的不断提高, 人们对电力系统的安全 可靠性提出了更高的要求, 因为一旦系统发生重大事故将会对社会生产 人类生活带来灾难性的后果 电力系统传统的故障预防与分析方法往往忽略了造成故障的重要的一环人的因素本文在分析了传 统方法存在的缺陷的同时, 首次将安全人机工程这一新兴的学科引入电力系统的事故分析之中, 结合近几 年来我国电力行业发生的重大事故, 指出了安全人机工程的重要性, 并对这一思想进行了详细的阐述 : 电力系统 安全人机工程 事故分析 人的因素 :TK323 : A : 1002 - 6339 ( 2004) 03- 0033- 05 Safety Ergonomics and the Application to Preventing and Analyzing the Accident in Power System 1 2 2 LI Hai- long , HU Qing- hua , YU Da- ren ( 1Harbin Turbine Company Ltd, Harbin 150001, China 2Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China) Abstract : As the increase of capacity and the advancement of automation level, the security is much expected in power system. Formerly the human factors have alw ays been neglected in preventing or analyzing the accident .The disadvan- tage of the conventional w ay is analyzed and a new technique- safety ergonomics is proposed to the accident analysis in the paper . Further it is applied to the design of interface, the assigning of task and the reliability analysis. Key words: pow er system safety ergonomics accident analysis human factors 0 , , , , , , , ,


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