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·130 · 20 11 39 14 广州化工 年 卷第 期 废弃茶叶渣吸附甲醛的研究 , , 卢绮静 何志昌 梁奇峰 ( , 5140 15) 嘉应学院化学与环境学院 广东 梅州 摘 要: 。 , 。 茶叶是一种具有高度发达的孔隙构造 利用茶叶的这种特殊性能 可以用来吸附甲醛 利用甲醛与乙酰丙酮生成稳 , 4 14 nm , 。 定的黄色化合物 在 波长下测定其吸光度 测定茶叶渣中所吸附的甲醛的含量 本文探讨乙酰丙酮分光光度法测定甲醛的条 , , 。 件 测定了不同的条件下茶叶渣在对甲醛的吸收情况 得到茶叶渣吸附甲醛的较好条件 关键词: ; ; 茶叶渣 甲醛 乙酰丙酮分光光度法 Investigation of Adsorption of Formaldehyde by Waste Tea Leaves L U Qi -j ing ,HE Zhi - chang ,LIANG Qi -f eng (School of Chemistry and Environment ,Jiaying University ,Guangdong Meizhou 5140 15 ,China) Abstract :Tea leaves was a kind of porous material with sophisticated pore structure. Formaldehyde can be adsorbed by waste tea leaves because of their special properties. A yellow compound could be got with formaldehyde and acetylace- tone which had maximum absorption at 4 14 nm. The absorption was linearly proportional to the concentration of formalde- hyde and formaldehyde in waste tea leaves was determined by this way. The conditions of acetylacetone spectrophotometry to determine formaldehyde were discussed. The content of formaldehyde in waste tea leaves under different conditions was detected. Key words :waste tea leaves ;formaldehyde ;acetylacetone spectrophotometry , , 。 饮茶文化在中国有着悠久的历史 中国人的日常生活离不 浴槽 上海梅香仪器有限公司 , 100 t , 2008 1. 1. 2 试剂 开茶 中国每年的茶叶产量达 万 以上 在


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