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无线数显测温电路的设计 摘 要 目前,测温技术正处于蓬勃发展的新时期,新技术不断涌现,新产品层出不穷,新工艺被大量采用。测温技术已广泛用于工业、农业、电力、交通、环境监测、现代办公以及人们的日常生活之中。特别是现在,集成化智能传感器作为二十一世纪具有发展前景和影响力的一项高科技产品与通信技术一起使的无线测温技术越来越受到人们的重视。 本文设计了一个具有远传功能的测温电路。针对生产实践中低成本、高精度的需要,集成温度传感器具有线性度好、精度适中、灵敏度高、体积小、使用方便等优点。故首先采用集成温度传感器AD590进行温度到电信号的转换,然后对得到的电信号进行放大、模/数转换等相应处理后由远距离无线发射模块和接收模块对其进行发射与接收,最后由计数、译码、显示模块将其显示出来。 总体电路主要包括温度检测及放大电路、信号变换电路、发射和接收电路、计数译码显示电路,直流稳压电路等部分,可完成无线数显测温的功能。 关键词: 温度 检测 传输 显示 Abstract At present, the temperature measurement technology is in the prosperous development of the new period, new technology constantly emerging, new product emerge in endlessly, the new technique is used in great quantities. Temperature measurement technology has been widely used in industry, agriculture, power, transportation, environmental monitoring, modern office and Peoples Daily life. Especially now, integrated intelligent sensor in the 21 st century as potential and influence of a high-tech products and communication technology together the infinite temperature measurement technology that more and more attention by people. This paper designs a circuit that has the function of far temperature measurement. According to production practice the need of low cost and high accuracy, integrated temperature sensor is linear degree good, with moderate precision, sensitivity, small volume, convenient, etc. So the first,integrated temperature sensor AD590 makes temperature to the transformation of the electrical signals, then gets the electrical signals were enlarged, d/a transformation and the corresponding processing by distance wireless transmitting module and receiving module of the emitting and receiving, finally by counting, decoding, display module will be its display. Overall circuit include temperature testing and amplifying circuit, signal transform circuit, sending and receiving circuit, count decode sho


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