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基于力控组态软件的风光发电监控的设计 摘要本文使用的力控组态软件已经应用于电力、化工、石油、楼宇、水利、冶金、机械、食品等多个领域,本文以北京三维力控组态软件为基础开发了风光发电监测系统,实现了对风光发电参数和设备状态的实时监控、数据查询、对于工作现场的正常工作和远程监控起了重要保障作用。关键字:组态软件 风光发电 监控 Abstract Solar and wind energy is the most common natural resources, but also the inexhaustible renewable sources of energy. Solar and wind energy in time and season have very strong complementary to each other: good the sun during the day, small wind, night without light, the wind is stronger; The summer sun light intensity big, small wind, the sun light intensity is weak and windy in winter. This complementarity makes wind-light complementary system in resources is the best match. In addition, wind power and photovoltaic power generation system in the storage battery and inverter link can be universal. Wind-light complementary system can according to users electricity load and reasonable allocation of natural resources for the best, can guarantee the reliability of the system, and can reduce power generation cost, meet the needs of users. In this paper, the force control configuration software has been used in electric power, chemical, petroleum, building, water conservancy, metallurgy, machinery, food and other fields, this paper takes Beijing sunway configuration software is developed based on scenery power generation monitoring system, realized the scene generator parameter and equipment status real-time monitoring, data query, for the normal work of the job site and remote monitoring plays an important role. Key words: configuration software;scenery power generation;control 1. 引言1.1课题概述随着电气自动化水平的迅速提高和计算机在电气领域的广泛应用,人们对电力自动化的要求愈来愈高,种类繁多的过程监控装置在电气领域的应用,使得传统的控制软件已无法满足用户的各种需求。通过自动化组态软件的出现为解决上述实际问题提供了一种崭新的方法,因为它能够很好地解决传统控制软件存在的种种问题,使用户根据自己的控制对象和控制目的任意组态,完成最终的自动化控制工程。 目前世界上的组态软件的品种繁多,国外有美国的Wonderware 公司的InTouch、Intellution 公司的iFIX 等,国内产品有三维力控、组态王、MCGS 等。国外组态软件虽然功能强大但价格贵,而国产组态软件吸收了国外软件的优点,在功能上可以和国外组态软件想媲美,而且还具有符合国人思维习惯的中文菜单,性价比高。本文以风光发电为对象,利用三维力控组态软件设计开发了一个监控系统。监控组态软件是对现场生产数据进行采集与过程控制的专用软件,最大的特点是能以灵活样的“


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