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智能楼宇的计算机网络设 摘要 楼宇自动化控制系统是采用现代化的传感技术、计算机通信技术对建筑物内所有机电设施进行信号采集、控制,提供有效安全的物业管理,使其设备应用在最良好的状态。 本设计介绍了控制系统的发展,分析了各种控制系统的特点,提出了现场总线技术在控制领域的应用前景,特别是CAN总线的先进性。基于CAN总线的楼宇控制系统主要由模拟、开关量前端模块,和上位管理机构成,前端模块是一个小的智能单元,核心部分是8051单片机,通信部分采用SJA1000CAN协议芯片,完成信号的采集和控制工作。上位机由PC机加入PCI插卡,插卡由PCI接口芯片CH365完成PCI总线和SJA10OO通信,结构简单,通信可靠。CAN总线提供了标准网络协议的数据链路层,没有相应的高层通信协议,为此设计了简单的通信协议,完成设备的识别,数据的可靠传输,网络的控制。由于网络是一个多主的网络,可以方便的实现单主机的查询工作方式,和设备之间的点对点通信。 CAN总线在楼宇控制中的应用,提高了楼宇的智能化水平并降低了设备和管理成本,具有广泛应用前景。 :智能楼宇CAN现场总线8051单片机通讯协议 Abstract Building automation control system consists of modern sensor technology, computer communication technology on buildings of all electrical and mechanical facilities for signal acquisition, control and provide effective security for property management, to equipment used in the best condition. The designed CAN based building automation system is composed of front-end modules and a PC with communication card as the system supervisor. The front-end module is an intelligent unit designed around 8051 micro-controller, with I/O interfaces to perform data acquisition and control action, the CAN interface is designed by using SJA1000 CAN controller chip to fulfill the network communication tasks. The communication card mount in PC uses CH365 to link PC’s PCI bus and perform data exchange to/from CAN bus via SJA1000.A simple communication protocol is designed based on the CAN’s physical and data link layer protocols. The protocol fulfills the tasks of equipment identification, reliable data transfer, network control. The application of CAN based building automation system will raise the intelligent level, degrease the cost of management and improve the reliability and safety of the building. Obviously, such a system is of broad application prospects. Keywords :intelligent buildings,CAN field bus,805lmeu,communication protocol 目 录 摘要 I Abstract II第1章 1 1.1 背景及意义 1 1.2 国内外研究现状 2 1.3 主要研究内容 3 第2章 CAN总线技术综述 4 2.1 CAN总线简述 4 2.2 几种的现场总线技术 5 2.3 现场总线的技术特点与优点 7 2.4 CAN协议的物理层 9 2.4.1 媒体相关


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