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二 ○ 一 三 届 毕 业 设 计 22T液压挖掘机总体与底盘设计 学 院: 工程机械学院 专 业:机械设计制造及其自动化 姓 名: 黎立永 学 号: 2504090115 指导教师: 马志奇 完成时间: 2013年 6月 4 日 摘要 随着社会的不断进步,改革开放的深入,我国的基础建设项目不断增多,对工程机械产品的需求量也越来越大。液压挖掘机是工程机械的重要产品之一,具有较高的技术含量。而中型型液压挖掘机在我国的发展中需求量不断增多,而其技术还远远落后于国外。在参照和分析卡特323DL和系列小型液压挖掘机的基础上,设计了22T中型液压挖掘机。 本文完成的主要工作有: 1)建立了液压挖掘机主工作装置的数学模型; 2)针对工作装置的计算工况,建立了相关的力学模型; 3)确定了液压挖掘机的设计方案,完成了主要参数的设计计算; 4)对主要工作装置的铰点和关键部位进行力学分析和计算; 5)建立了底盘行走系的数学模型和结构模型; 6)对工作装置的相关部件进行的校核计算; 关键词:液压挖掘机,工作装置,底盘行走系,液压系统,挖掘装置 Abstract With the development of the society and economy in China, many fundamental engineering projects need to be completed by the excavators. The hydraulic excavator is one of the most important construction machineries. The hydraulic excavator includes the higher technical specification, and it is very difficult to design them. But the development of the small scaled hydraulic excavator with no tail in our country just start, and the technique has been got behind with the abroad far and far. In this design, the series of CASE and Kubota are followed. Main contents contained in the article are following: 1. The mathematical model of the main working equip has been established. 2. According to working condition, the correlated mechanics model of the main working equip has been established. 3. Offering the schedule of the hydraulic excavator and the main parameters’ calculation. 4. Mechanics analyzing and the fulcrums and important components of the main working equip. 5. The mathematical model and structural model of chassis motion train has been established. 6. Checking and calculating the strength of the correlated components of the chassis motion train with traditional method. Keywords: Hydraulic excavator , work equipment, chassis motion train, hydraulic system,dig equipment. 目录 1.绪论.............................................................1 1.1概


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