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题 目 基于单片机的燃气报警器的设计 英文并列题目 The design of gas alarm system based on single-chip microcomputer 院 系 控制技术学院 班 级 自动化控制21035 学生姓名 王 澄 学 号 2010103526 所在团队 指导老师(1) 单 正 娅 职 称 讲 师 指导老师(2) 职 称 答辩委员会主任 主答辩人 二 零 一 三 年 四 月 摘 要 全国燃气行业发展迅猛,液化气、天然气、煤制气等城市燃气作为清洁能源已在工商业和城镇居民用户中得到广泛应用,特别是随着“西气东输”工程的快速进展,燃气行业发展潜力巨大。但是随着燃气的广泛应用,由于燃气泄漏所引发的爆炸、中毒和火灾事故也时有发生,这在某种程度上增加了城市的不安全和不稳定因素。为了使燃气更好地造福于民,造福于社会,减少并杜绝各种因燃气泄漏而引发的爆炸及火灾事故,各燃气使用单位及居民用户选择一种适合的室内煤气泄露报警器实为必要之举。燃气报警器的核心是气体传感器。当气体传感器遇到燃气时,传感器电阻随燃气浓度而变化,随之产生电信号,供燃气报警器后级线路处理。经过电子线路处理变成浓度成比例变化的电压信号,由线性电路加以补偿,使信号线性化,经微机处理、逻辑分析,输出各种控制信号,即当燃气浓度达到报警设定值时,燃气报警器发出声光报警信号并可显示燃气浓度或启动外部联运设备。本文正是通过分析目前燃气报警器的现状,设计制作室内故障监测报警系统,保障人们的生命财产安全。 关键词:气体传感器; 煤气泄漏 ;煤气报警 Abstract The rapid development of the national gas industry, liquefied gas, natural gas, coal gas and other city gas as a clean energy business and urban residents in users has been widely used, and gas industry has great potential. But with the extensive use of gas, due to gas leak caused an explosion, poisoning and fire accidents have also occurred to some extent, increased the citys insecurity and instability. In order for gas to better benefit the people, the benefit of the community, to reduce and eliminate all due to gas leak caused the explosion and fire, the gas unit and residential customers use to select a suitable indoor gas leak alarm is actually necessary move. Gas sensor is the core of combustible gas. When the gas face gas sensor, the sensor resistance change with gas concentration, the resulting electrical signal for processing of combustible gas line after the class. After dealing with electronic circuit into a voltage proportional to the concentration change signal to be compensated by the linear circuit, the signal linearization, by computer processing, logical analysis, the output of various contro


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