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郑州轻院轻工职业学院 专科毕业设计(论文) 题 目 局域网网络优化 学生姓名 赵汉卿 专业班级 09信息安全技术 学 号 系 别 计算机系 指导教师(职称) 贺喜玲(讲师) 完成时间 2012 年 4月8 日 局域网网络优化 摘 要 一个高性能、高可靠性的网络系统,除了必须要具备先进的网络设备外,更需要具有系统化的网络规划及先进的网络管理手段。据统计,目前有超过70%的在使用网络设备运行在设备出厂的默认配置中,也就是说,大部分客户在网络建设时只注重追求高性能的网络设备,但在使用过程中却缺乏了根据实际情况对网络进行合理规划和有效管理,导致网络设备很多很有用的功能都无法在网络系统中发挥作用。 网络技术的发展和普及,为优化商丘职业校园网管理奠定了良好的基础。本文结合目前商丘职业校园网建设的现状及存在的问题,介绍了一些新技术,提出了相应的优化设计方案,旨在为校园网的建设提供一些思路,使各地商丘职业校园网的构建能够经济、实用,并具有一定的前瞻性,真正为商丘职业的教学、科研、管理发挥尽可能大的效益。 关键词 校园网/VLAN技术/网络优化 LAN NETWORK OPTIMIZATION ABSTRACT A high performance, high reliability of the network system, in addition to must want to have advanced network equipment, but also have systematic network planning and advanced network management tools. According to statistics, there are currently more than 70% in the use of the network equipment running in equipment factory default configuration, that is to say, the majority of customers in network construction only pay attention to the pursuit of high performance network equipment, but in the use of the process is the lack of a according to the actual situation of network reasonable planning and effective management of network equipment, leading to many a very useful function is unable in the network system to play a role in. The development and popularization of network technology, the optimization of Shangqiu occupation campus network management has laid a good foundation. In this paper, combined with the current occupation of Shangqiu campus network construction present situation and the existing problems, introduces some new technology, put forward the corresponding optimized design scheme, aimed at the construction of the campus network to provide some ideas, make Shangqiu occupation around the campus network to construct economical, practical, and has a forward-looking, real occupation of Shangqiu teaching, scientific research, management to play



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