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摘 要 桥梁是供铁路、道路、渠道、管线、行人等跨越河流、山谷、海湾、其他线路或障碍时的架空建筑物。T型梁桥是目前我国用的最多的装配式简支梁截面形式。预应力混凝土就是在混凝土构件承受使用荷载前的制作阶段,预先对使用阶段的受拉区施加压应力,造成一种人为的应力状态。 本次毕业设计为模拟设计某桥梁为装配式预应力混凝土简支T型梁,设计的内容为装配式预应力混凝土T梁桥上部结构设计计算。 设计依据交通部颁《公路工程技术标准》(JTJ001-97),交通部颁《公路桥涵设计通用规范》(JTJ001-97)进行桥梁的纵、横断面设计和平面布置;尺寸拟订、主梁截面几何特性计算;主梁内力计算及内力组合(包括何在横向分布系数计算;恒载、活载内力计算;内力组合等);预应力钢束的估算及其布置;主梁净截面、换算截面几何特性计算;钢束预应力损失计算;主梁截面验算;主梁变形验算;绘制主梁结构构造图、配筋图等;支座等的设计和计算;行车道板和横隔梁的设计和计算;桥梁桥台的设计与计算。 关键字: T梁 预应力 设计 混凝土 Abstract The bridge is for railways, roads, drainage, pipeline, pedestrians across rivers, valleys, the Gulf and other lines or barriers at the overhead structures. T-beam bridge is the largest in China with fabricated simply supported beam forms. Prestressed Concrete is concrete components under load before use, the Production Stage advance the use of the stage tension zone imposed by the compressive stress, creating a man-made stress. The design of the graduate design simulation Tieling - Siping high-speed road to a bridge fabricated prestressed concrete simple T-beams, Design for the contents fabricated prestressed concrete T-beam bridge structure design. Design based on traffic ministerial highway engineering standards (JTJ001-97). Ministerial traffic, Highway Bridge Design general specification (JTJ001-97) Bridge and the longitudinal cross-sectional design and layout; Size formulation, the main beam geometry properties calculation; Main BEAM combination of calculation and internal forces (including horizontal distribution coefficients are calculated; Hang set, Live Load calculation; Internal Force composition, etc.); Prestressed steel beam estimates and layout; Leung net section, the conversion geometry properties calculation; Prestressed steel beam loss calculation; Checking the main beam; Checking main beam deformation; Drawing Leung Structural maps, charts and other reinforcement; Support the design and calculation;Driving DaoBan and the horizontal partition beam design and calculation; Bridge abutment design and


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