基于华为Optix 2500+光传输网络的实现与分析毕业设计(论文).doc

基于华为Optix 2500+光传输网络的实现与分析毕业设计(论文).doc

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基于华为Optix 2500+光传输网络的实现与分析 XXXX大学 电子信息工程 XX级XX班 XXX 指导教师 XXX 摘要:由于网络迅速发展,迫切需要快速增加传输带宽,而SDH光传输网络可较好的解决这一问题,并且SDH光传输网络有许多传统PDH网络无法比拟的优势。它不仅可以应用在所有传统的电信领域,还可能使电信网络结构演变成为一个同一网络。因此,我们有必要研究SDH原理及SDH光传输网络的组网技术。 Optix SDH系列传输铲平的常用命令行和命令行的批处理文件,会给我们的开局调试、日常维护带来很大的方便。而Optix 2500+是光同步传输设备,SDH设备的一种,是华为技术有限公司的Optix系列产品之一。在此次研究过程中,我们首先阐述了当前光传输网的发展历程;然后研究了SDH原理基本理论,包括帧结构、传输速率、复用结构和网络类型;然后介绍了新一代传输设备华为Optix 2500+的硬件结构;最后研究了基于华为Optix 2500+ 光传输设备进行的各种组网方式的实现与分析。因此,通过该设备的各种组网方式的实现与分析,最终充分理解SDH传输网组网技术,并且深刻感受到SDH组网有很强的应用价值。SDH传输网在未来一段时期必将发挥更大作用。 关键词:光传输网、SDH原理、Optix 2500+ Abstract:With the rapid development of the network, a fast growth in the bandwidth of transport network is needed.SDH transport network is able to deal with such problem.further, SDH transport network has many advantages which can not be found in the traditional PDH network, such network can be deployed not only in the realm of traditional telecommunications but can make the networks in to a whole one. Therefore, it is necessary for us to research the principle of SDH and SDH optical transmission network technology. The Optix SDH series transmit leveled the common command line and command-line batch file that will give our start commissioning, routine maintenance a great deal of convenience. The Optix 2500+ synchronous optical transmission equipment, SDH equipment a Optix series products of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.In the course of the study, the paper firstly told us the current development of optical transmission network.Then it explained us the principle of SDH basic theory, including the frame structure, the transmission rate, multiplexing structure and network type. Then the paper introduced us the hardware structurea of the new generation of transmission equipment -- Huawei Optix 2500+.At last,the paper told us the research and analysis of all kinds of optical transmission network base on the Huawei Optix 2500+ optical transmission equipment。Therefore, through the equipment of all kinds of network rese


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