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摘 要 去年以来人民币升值能源、原材料价格上涨劳动力本提高美国次贷危机影响等等不利因素把众多企业逼到生存的墙角 Abstract Since last year, the appreciation of the renminbi, energy, raw material prices rising, labor costs, the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis, and so on unfavorable factors, many small businesses into just a corner of life. In the case of such changes in the market, small businesses should strengthen scientific management, technological innovation, market expansion, restructuring, product optimization mode, while fostering the enterprises core strengths, focusing on enterprises play the comprehensive advantages, enhance small businesses in the system overall viability, management, technology, capital, labor and product markets, the structure and overall competitive strength, and strive to achieve the internationalization of small enterprise development, information technology, market, standardized comprehensive development goals. In a sense, only a small business from these efforts, the effort, which in these areas, significant progress and enhance the comprehensive strength of this business can improve its overall viability and competitiveness there will be substantive enhance and improve, can be in an invincible position in the global financial crisis. Keywords: Small business, crisis, enhanced strength 目 录 1 引言 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 小企业的界定标准和概念 1 1.3 金融危机的概念 2 2 小企业发展新路径:管理、创新与品牌效应 3 2.1 小企业发展战略目标:在创新中求发展 3 2.2 创新是提升小企业品牌效应的关键途径 3 2.3 信息化是小企业实现管理现代化的重要路径 4 2.4 人力资本是小企业发展壮大的根本基石 4 2.5 案例1——来自一个企业实现创新型发展的实践 5 3 技术创新:自主为本 7 3.1 企业家精神与才华 7 3.2 充分利用社会资源和国家政策 7 3.3 技术创新的持续精神:持续创新、技术必威体育官网网址 7 3.4 激励机制与技术创新 8 3.5 案例2——丰田:以制度激励员工共同创新 8 4 人力资源管理:注重人文关怀 10 4.1 建立合理的薪酬制,重视对人才的物质回报 10 4.2 注重对员工的在职培训 12 4.3 注重对人才的精神尊重与激励:尊重、包容和人文关怀 12 4.4 建立畅通的上下沟通机制 13 4.5 案例3——好企业更要培育好员工 13 5 营销管理:从销售到营销 14 5.1 维护企业的信誉和品牌 14 5.2 实现企业的营销渠道多元化 14 5.3 合理分布营销渠道的时间和空间 15 5.4 案例4——东艺启示录——传统小企业国际化经营 15 参考文献 17 致谢 18 1 引言 近年以来,国际金融形势严峻,国外诸多货币金融组织积极采取行动,但成果不是甚微。在国际金融危机影响下,中小企业生存状态如何?怎样积极应对危机,克服当前困难,求得生存发展?如何应对金融危机的



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