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青 岛 科 技 大 学 本 科 毕 业 设 计 (论 文) 题 目 __________________________________ __________________________________ ______年 ___月 ___日 基于单片机的超声波测距系统设计 摘 要 超声波是一种指向性强,能量消耗缓慢,在介质中传播距离较远的声波,很适合用于距离测量。目前国内一般是用专用集成电路设计超声波测距仪,但是成本高,没有显示,操作使用不方便,拓展不灵活。而基于单片机的超声波测距克服了上述缺点,所以应用非常广泛,这种设计该系统主要主控制器模块、超声波发射模块、超声波接收模块和显示模块等四个模块构成0和外部中断0使定时器计时,接收到发射超声波信号时,外部中断0关闭中断,这时定时器中断0计录的时间就为超声波传播经过测距仪到前方物体的来回时间,经过单片机处理得到距离值S并且通过LCD1602显示出来。 本设计在室温条件下的精确度能达到3mm以内,但是要求被测量物体周围比较空旷而且空气温度要求是室温精确度才会达到以上精度。 关键词:单片机,超声波传感器,LCD1602 The design of ultrasonic range finder based on single chip microcomputer ABSTRACT Ultrasonic is a kind of strong directivity, energy consumption slow, in the medium distance transmission of sound waves, very suitable for distance measurementAt present domestic general is to use ultrasonic rangefinder application-specific integrated circuit design, but the cost is high, no display, operation is not convenient, not flexible. The ultrasonic ranging based on single chip microcomputer to overcome the above shortcomings, so the application is very broad, this non-contact ranging design requirements. This design is based on single chip microcomputer technology, realizes the measurement of the front object distance. The system design is mainly composed of main controller module, ultrasonic launch module, ultrasonic receiving module and display module and so on four basic modules, with a receiving part receiving ultrasound. This design uses two interrupts, when transmitting, open the timer interrupt 0 timer and external interrupt 0 timer, receives the side of launch ultrasonic wave signal, the external interrupt 0 closed interrupted, then the timer interrupt 0 meter to record the time for the ultrasonic propagation through the range finder to the object in front of the time back and forth. And the result is treated with single chip microcomputer distance values S and through LCD1602 display. This design at room temperature under the condition of precision can reach less than 3 mm, but the r


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