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司法考试复习系统学 院:专 业:姓 名:指导老师:计算机学院软件工程莫志文学 号:职 称:090202011027龚友明讲师中国·珠海二○一三年五月诚信承诺书本人郑重承诺:本人承诺呈交的毕业设计《司法考试复习系统》是在指导教师的指导下,独立开展研究取得的成果,文中引用他人的观点和材料,均在文后按顺序列出其参考文献,设计使用的数据真实可靠。本人签名: 日期: 年 月 日司法考试复习系统摘 要司法考试复习系统,它是一个帮助法学专业的同学提高司法考试复习效果的系统。传统的司法考试复习方法通过纸质资料一项项知识来复习。这种方法面对庞大知识量的司法考试显得乏力。本人设计的司法考试复习系统,进行合理的分布和安排,按照功能可分成知识体系、习题、在线答疑、交流区和法条检索。知识体系模块将庞大的知识量构建成知识树体系,考生能够尽快有效地建立起知识体系,从而打下坚实的知识基础。习题模块是为了帮助考生巩固基础,按照部门法的分类来规划习题并且随机提取题目,考生能够很好地通过测试来自我检验,把忽略或者记不牢的知识点给记住。在线答疑模块把考生们的问题收集归类,由专门的部门法老师答疑,帮助考生扫清学习道路上的障碍。交流区模块类似于微博的平台,可以让考生在这里发表自己的学习心得而共同进步。部门法法条检索模块是能够让同学们有哪些信誉好的足球投注网站到自己所需法条的检索工具。关键词:司法考试;部门法;知识体系;检索Judicial exam review systemAbstractThe judicial exam review system, it is a help Postgraduate students to improve the effect of the system of judicial exam review. Traditional judicial exam review paper a knowledge review. This method the face of the judicial examination of the huge amount of knowledge seems weak. I designed the judicial exam review system, a reasonable distribution and arrangement, according to the function can be divided into the knowledge system, exercises, online Q exchange area and the law bars retrieval. Knowledge system module huge amount of knowledge to build the tree of knowledge system, candidates as soon as possible to establish a knowledge system, so as to lay a solid knowledge base. Exercises module is designed to help the candidates to consolidate the basis of planning exercises in accordance with the classification of the branches of law and randomly extracted topic, candidates are able to pass the test from my test, ignored or knowledge of the mind is not strong point to remember. Online Q A module candidates who collected classified Q A by a specialized branch of law teachers, to help the candidates to clear away the obstacles on the road to learning. The exchange zone module is similar to the microblogging platform that allows candidates to express their learning experience and common progress. Law Department hits


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