基于单片机的智能 IC卡电表设计(硬件系统)_毕业设计(论文).doc

基于单片机的智能 IC卡电表设计(硬件系统)_毕业设计(论文).doc

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南 昌 工 程 学 院 毕 业 设 计 (论 文) 信息工程学院 系(院) 电子信息工程 专业 毕业设计(论文)题目 基于单片机的智能IC卡电表设计(硬件系统) 班 级 09电子信息工程 完成日期 2013 年 5 月 20 日 基于单片机的智能电表设计 The Design of Intelligent IC Card Meter Based on Single Chip Microcomputer(Hardware System) 表 格 2 个 插 图 22 幅 摘 要 电表是我国电工仪表行业中产量最大的产品,随着高新技术尤其是电子信息技术的快速发展,电子式、多功能、高精度、多费率、自动抄表等产品的优势突显,且已经逐步成为电表发展的主流。智能电表具有数据的保护,报警功能,断电的显示,负荷的控制,防窃电功能,远程抄表系统等功能,从计量到数据处理都采用以集成电路为核心的电子器件,从而取消了电表上长期使用的机械部件,随着智能化电表的发展,将最终取代传统电表在用户中的使用。本文主要应用IC卡单元,89C51单片机,LED显示器等各个单元来完成费率的计算,数据的显示,报警,使电表实现智能化。并根据阶梯电价计算出卡内电费剩余等情况,自动报警功能用蜂鸣器进行模拟,并通过四个键盘实现显示的切换以及电价的调整功能,IC卡采用西门子公司的SLE4442卡,可实现逻辑加密,可反复读写,卡内数据必威体育官网网址性好。 关键词:智能电表电能计量 Abstract Meter is one of the largest product output in electrical instrumentation industry in China, with the rapid development of high and new technology especially electronic information technology, electronic, multi-function, high accuracy and rate, the advantage of automatic meter reading and other products, and has gradually become the mainstream of instrument development.smart meter data protection, alarm functions, and the display of power, load control, preventing electricity-stolen, remote meter reading system, and other functions, ranging from measurement to data processing adopts integrated circuit as the core of electronic devices, and cancelled the meters on the long-term use of mechanical parts, with the development of the intelligent electric meter, will eventually replace the traditional electric meter used in the user. This paper application of IC card unit, 89 c51, LED displays, and other units to complete the rate calculation, data display, alarm, intelligent electric meter to realize. And according to the ladder electricity price to calculate the surplus electricity, and so on and so forth, inside of the card, to simulate the automatic alarm fun



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