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目录 第一章 前言 1 1.1图像压缩的必要性 1 1.2图像压缩原理 1 1.3小波变换编码的发展现状 1 1.4论文内容结构 2 第二章小波变换的基本理论 3 2.1 连续小波变换 3 2.2 离散小波变换 4 2.3小波包分析 5 第三章 用Matlab实现具体图像的压缩编码 9 3.1 基于小波变换的图像局部压缩 9 3. 2 利用二维小波变换进行图像压缩 11 3. 3 基于小波包变换的图像压缩 16 第四章 对小波变换图像压缩编码的总结和展望 19 第五章 结束语 20 参考文献: 21 致 谢 22 摘要:随着多媒体通信和计算机通信网的快速发展,图像传输已成为重要的通信内容,无论是图像数据的传输还是存储,都要求对图像数据进行压缩,以减少图像通信的数据量和图像存储的空间。根据目前网络多媒体通信技术的现状和发展趋势,在将来相当长的一段时间内,数字化的媒体数据以压缩形式存储和传输势在必行。 基于小波变换的图像压缩技术采用多尺度分析, 因此可根据各自的重要程度对不同层次的系数进行不同的处理,图像经小波变换后,并没有实现压缩,只是对整幅图像的能量进行了重新分配。事实上,变换后的图像具有更宽的范围,但是宽范围的大数据被集中在一个小区域内,而在很大的区域中数据的动态范围很小。小波变换编码就是在小波变换的基础上,利用小波变换的这些特性,采用适当的方法组织变换后的小波系数,实现图像的高效压缩的。 关键词:小波分析;图像压缩;MATLAB ABSTRACT:As multimedia communications and the rapid development of computer communication network, the image transfer has become an important content of the communication, either transmission or storage of image data, the image data are required to be compressed to reduce the image data amount of communication and an image memory space . According to the current network multimedia communication technology status and development trend in the future for a long period of time, the digitized media data stored and transmitted in compressed form is imperative. Wavelet-based image compression technology uses multi-scale analysis, it can be according to their degree of importance on different levels for different coefficients processing, image by wavelet transform, and did not achieve compression, but the energy of the whole image has been re-assignment. In fact, the converted image has a wider range, but a wide range of large data is concentrated in a small area, while a large dynamic range of the data area is small. Wavelet transform coding is based on the wavelet transform, wavelet transform these characteristics, using appropriate methods organization transformed wavelet coefficients, to achieve efficient image compression. Key words: Wavelet Transform;Image Compression;MATLAB 第一章 前言 1.1图像压缩的必要性 图像数字化后,其数据量非常庞大,例如,对于640*480像素的彩色图像,如果每个像素的位深度为2


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