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摘 要 本设计题目的任务是完成座体零件成形工艺设计,根据本设计题目生产性质、零件结构特点和用途,确定采用铸造成形工艺方法做出该零件的毛坯。其具体内容包括了铸造工艺方案的设计,铸造工艺参数的确定,砂芯设计,浇注系统设计,冒口设计,冷铁和出气孔设计,砂型及砂芯的烘干等,又对铸造工艺装配进行了设计,内容包括木模、模板、芯盒和砂箱等的设计。绘制出了工艺装配图、铸造工艺图、铸件图和模样图。本题目的研究方法,是运用所学《材料成形工艺基础》中的铸造成形理论,对金属液在充型、结晶、凝固和冷却过程中发生的一系列物理、化学的变化及铸件内部的变化进行了理论研究和分析。对如何保证铸件的质量,在合金液的成分上进行了研究和探讨,对工艺上采取的相应措施进行了可行性的研究和探讨,针对本题目,如何运用灰铸铁(HT150)铸造出所要求的零件的铸造成型工艺作了详细阐述,对运用砂型铸造设计的浇注系统做出了详细设计,并做出了铸型装配图,铸造工艺图和模样图。 关键词:砂型铸造 浇注系统 铸造工艺图 模样 铸型装配图 HT150 Abstract The design of the subject s task is to complete the seat body partsforming process design, according to the nature of the production ofa design, part structural characteristics and uses to determine themethod used to make the casting forming process of the rough parts.Thespecific contents of the casting process in the design, casting processparameters identified, the sand core design, gating system design, riserdesign, the design of cold iron, and out of holes, sand and sand coreof drying, but also on the casting assembly has been designed, includingappearance, templates, core boxes and sand boxes and other designs.Assembly diagram drawn out process, casting process maps, charts andpattern casting map. The subject of research methods is to use what theyhave learned material forming technology base in the casting formingthe theory of liquid in the filling of metal, crystal, solidificationand cooling process in a series of physical and chemical changes andchanges in the castings The theoretical research and analysis. Castingon how to ensure the quality of the ingredients in the liquid alloy wascarried out research and study on the process to take the appropriatemeasures to study and explore the feasibility. According to this topic,how to apply grey (HT150)casting out the parts required the castingmolding process were discussed in detail, to use the sand casting gatingsystem design, and has made the detailed design drawings made casting,casting process chart and shape figure. Keywords:Sand Casting Gating system


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