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随着互联网技术的飞速发展,建设一个网站的技术门槛越来越低。但是对于有网站建设需求的初学者来说,由于没有任何基础,对相关的概念感到很迷茫,在摸索的过程中会走很多的弯路。其实使用免费开源的内容管理系统(Content Management System,简写为CMS),建设一个网站是件轻而易举的事情。文章从CMS的基础概念讲解入手,着重介绍了开源CMS在中小型网站建设中的应用优势,从当前互联网网站建设的现状和发展趋势进行分析,站在一个初学者的角度考虑,重点以一个专业网站建设实例为参考模型,阐述一般的个人网站、企业网站以及专业性门户网站的搭建过程和基本的营销管理方法,让初学者能够迅速地了解一般网站建设的基本过程,通过短期的学习具备独立搭建功能强大的个人站点的能力,而且能够进行一般性有意义的网站运营。
With the development at full speed of Internet technology, it is lower and lower to build the technological threshold of a website. But to the beginner with website construction demand, because there is no basis, on relevant concepts very confused, in the process of exploration will take a lot of detours. In fact, using the free open source content management system (abbreviated as CMS), building a website is a breeze thing.
This text, start with from the basic concept of CMS, introduces emphatically the open-source CMS application in small and medium-sized websites construction from the current Internet websites,and from the internet website of the building of the status quo and trend analysis, Standing in a beginners perspective, regarding a professional website construction embodiment as the model of consulting especially, describes the generals personal site, business portal site and professional site portal construction process and basic marketing management method, so that beginners can quickly learn the basic process of building a general website, through the short-term learning independently build powerful personal site of ability, and can make general meaningful website operation.
Keywords : Content Management System; CMS; Open-source; Website Construction; Network marketing.
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1课题研究背景综述 1
1.2课题研究目的和意义 1
1.3 可行性分析 3
第2章 内容管理系统(CMS)的概念 4
2.1 本章概述 4
2.2 什么是内容管理系统(CMS) 4
2.3 CMS建站的优势与弊端 5
2.3.1 传统网站建设方法存在的问题 5
2.3.2 CMS系统的优势 6
2.3.3 使用CMS系统的不足之处 10
2.4 CMS建设网站适合应用于的领域 11
2.5 选择与使用CMS 12
2.5.1 选择合适的CMS系统 12
2.5.2 学习CMS的使用 13
2.6 常见的CMS系统摘录介绍 15
2.6.1 ASP内容管理系统
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