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毕业设计说明书 题 目:太阳能热水器控制系统设计 姓 名: 学 号: 指导教师: 专业年级: 所在学院和系: 完成日期: 答辩日期: 摘 要 众所周知,太阳能是取之不尽,用之不竭,没有污染的巨大能源。随着世界上煤、油、气的储量日益减少,能源危机已日益增长,环境污染的危机已威胁着生态平衡。随着日本9.0级地震,引起的海啸以及发生的核电站安全事故,让人们对核能有着很大的安全隐患担忧,因而太阳能开发利用的课题已提到人类的面前。现有电热型热水器费用昂贵及燃气型的不安全性,且排放二氧化碳污染大气,北方用煤气取暖造成城市空气环境污染,这些都是太阳能热水器良好的外部生存环境。目前,太阳能热水器控制器还一直处于研究与开发阶段,市面在售的控制器绝大部分只具备温度和水位显示功能,不具备温度、水位的自动控制,以及太阳光线自动跟踪功能。本设计具有很强的实用性,用成本低廉的电阻式传感器以及电极配以单片机技术对生产实际中的太阳能热水器的水温的控制以及水位的显示。本装置实用性强、性价比高、水温控制灵活,水位显示直观醒目、太阳光自动跟踪。 关键词:单片机、太阳能热水器、温控系统、水位控制、太阳光自动跟踪 英文摘要: As is known to all, solar energy is inexhaustible, an inexhaustible, no pollution huge energy. With the world coal, oil and gas reserves are dwindling, already growing energy crisis, environmental pollution crisis has threatened the ecological balance. As Japan caused by the earthquake, 9.0 tsunami and the nuclear safety accidents happened, let people in nuclear energy has the very big safe hidden trouble, so solar energy concerns for the development and utilization of the already mentioned before the human subject. The existing electric heating type water heater is expensive and gas type of unsafe, and emissions of carbon dioxide, air pollution caused by gas heating northern citys air pollution, these are solar water heater a good external environment. At present, the solar energy water heater controller also has been in research and development phase, the controller sold in the market most have only temperature and water level display, do not have a temperature, water level automatic control, and the suns rays automatic tracking function. This design has a strong practicability, with low-cost resistive sensor and electrode match with micro-controller technology to the production practice of the solar energy water heater temperature control and water level is displayed. This device has strong, cost-eff



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