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目录 摘 要 2 1 绪 言 4 1.1课题背景 4 1.2国内外研究的发展及现状 5 1.3 本课题研究的内容 8 2总体设计方案 8 2.1 提出总体设计方案 8 2.2总体设计方案论证 9 3 铂电阻理论基础 9 3.1 铂电阻的选取 9 3.2铂电阻温度的测量方法 12 4 整体电路 14 4.1放大电路设计 14 4.2 温度显示电路理论及设计 15 4.3 AD转换模块 17 4.4 AT89C51单片机系统电路图 18 4.5系统程序设计 19 5.仿真结果 21 总结 21 参考文献 22 摘 要 温度计量是计量学的一个重要分支,它在国民经济各领域中占有重要的地位。人们的日常生活、工农业生产和科学实验等许多方面都与温度测量有着十分密切的关系。1871年,西门子(Sir william Siemens)发现了铂电阻测温原理,制造出第一支铂电阻温度计。1887年,卡伦德(Hugh Callendar)改进了铂电阻温度计的工艺和研制测温电桥并得到了著名的卡伦德公式。之后,铂电阻温度计成为国际温标的标准仪器,并一直沿用至今。 金属热电阻是一种广泛应用的温度传感器。它以测量精确,线性好,重复性好,测量范围大,体积小等的点被用在很多场合,其中铂电阻传感器被定为测温的基准。金属热电阻特别是铜、铁等热电阻的大量使用,将给使用者在传感器的标定造成重复性的麻烦。因为传感器的标定既复杂又要求苛刻,且成本较高。为了解决这个问题我采用了一种方便的以精密铂电阻为标准传感器的金属热电阻的来作为温度传感器。 本文采用atmega16单片机作为处理的核心部分;用pt100作为温度传感器,由于atmega16单片机自带有A/D转换功能,把采集到的温度经放大后直接送到atmega16单片机,经过atmega16单片机处理后送到显示器,显示器将显示采集的温度,这样就能够达到题目的要求,而且其准确性也较高。 关键字:atmega16单片机,pt100温度传感器,数码显示,protues Abstract Temperature metrology, a major branch of metrology, plays an important role in every field of national economy . For example, peoples daily life, industrial and agricultural production,scientific experiments and many other aspects are all connected closely to the temperature metrology. In 1871, Sir william Siemens discovered the principle of temperature measurement of platinum resistor and created the first platinum resistance thermometer in the world. , The platinum resistance thermometer technics was improved by Hugh Callendar in 1887 . At the same time he developed bridge for measuring temperature and made out the famous Callendars formula. From then on Callendars thermometer has been used as a standard instrument to international temperature scale. Metal heat resistance was widely used as temperature pickup in many situations for its precision measurement, good linearity and repetitiveness, great measuring range and minute extension. Callendars thermometer is a standard among them. Too much metal heat resistance used especially copper ,iron etc.will cause repetitive problems in demarcating the sensors. Considering its



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