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摘 要 三维激光扫描技术是最近发展起来的测绘新技术,它与传统测绘方法相比具有明显的优越性。它可以在短时间内采集海量的目标点坐标,测量精度很高。形成的点云,可以进一步处理构建目标三维模型,真实再现目标面貌。三位激光扫描技术在地面景观形体测量、复杂工业设备测量与建模、建筑与文物保护和城市三维可视化模型建立等各个方面都有广泛的应用。 论文主要内容: (1)三维激光扫描仪发展背景、分类、工作原理和它相对于其他测量方法的优点; (2)通过最近学校开展的一项关于地面三维机关扫描仪的实验,系统地阐述了此次实验有关情况。首先是本次实验所用仪器及其配件的性能参数;然后介绍了外业目标三维坐标数据采集过程的准备工作、注意事项及具体数据采集过程; (3)重点说明了内业数据在Leica自带软件cyclone中预处理:点云数据配准方法和原理、去噪及点云数据导入逆向工程软件Geomagic中的深入处理操作:点阶段的处理(点着色、去除非连接项、去除体外孤点、去噪、封装)和多边形阶段的处理(隐藏点云、创建流型、填充孔等),最后详细描述了三维建模具体方法过程。 (4)论文总结与展望 关键词:三维激光扫描、点云数据、建模 ABSTRACT TLS(Three-dimensional Laser Scanning) is a new survey technology with obvious advantages compared with other traditional survey methods .It is able to acquire lots of object coordinates with great precision .We can get 3D models of objects by further managements of point clouds. TLS technology is widely applied in deformation measurement of landscape, survey and modeling of complex industry equipments, protection of buildings and cultural relics, 3D visual model construction of cities. Main contents: 1)Development background, categories, principle of TLS and its advantages over other survey methods. 2)Introduce something about experiment of TLS(Three-dimension Laser Scanning ) held by our campus. First introduce something about parameters of experiment equipments, then pre-work, notice and process of data acquisition. 3))Mainly describes the process of data with Cyclone offered by Leica: Register methods and principle of point clouds ,reduce noise , further manipulation of point clouds in reverse engineering software Geomagic(managements of point process and polygon process).At last introduce 3D modeling process in detail. 4) summary and prospect of this paper. Key words: TLS(Three-dimensional Laser Scanning ), point clouds data, modeling. 目录 1 1 1.1发展背景 1 1.2 三维激光扫描技术含义 2 1.3三维激光扫描仪分类 2 1.4三维激光扫描仪的工作原理 3 1.5三维激光扫描特点 4 1.6研究目的 4 1.7国内外研究现状: 5 1.8本章小结 5 2三位激光扫描实验 6 2.1 外业阶段 6 2.1.1实验仪器配备 6 2.1.2 莱卡cyclone 三维数据处理软件所包含的模块 6 2.1.3 Leica Sc


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