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安徽财经大学商学院本科毕业论文 我国中小物流企业发展现状及战略 学 生: 李林 学 号: 20083089020 专 业: 083 物流(1)班 导 师: 张煜良 学校代码: 安徽财经大学商学院 二O一二年四月 我国中小物流企业发展现状及战略 Small and medium-sized logistics enterprises in China to develop the current situation and strategy 商学院 物流专业 08级1班 20083089020 指导老师:张煜良 内容摘要: 自从物流行业从美国出现,经过几十年的发展,已经得到初步的健全化。改革开放以来物流行业在我国也得到一定的发展,但与国际先进水平还有一段距离,其中中小物流企业的发展水平反映了我国整个物流行业的水平,中小物流企业是推动我国物流业发展的重要基础和中坚力量。有市场就存在着竞争,同样在物流行业也是如此,物流行业被当作是企业的第三方利润源,在降低企业成本和提高企业效益方面起的作用越来越举足轻重,其中中小物流企业的发展现状最能反映这方面的体现,在我国有许多体制不同的中小型物流企业,中小物流企业与那些大型的,国有的物流企相比存在着区域化,资金薄弱,实力相对来说较差,发展不太完善,体质不够健全,竞争比较激烈的问题,在市场中优胜劣汰的现象比较严重,面临比较严峻的考验,本文旨在分析和研究我国中小物流企业发展存在的问题并提出加强我国中小物流企业发展的相关对策。 关键词:中小物流企业;发展现状;存在问题;发展对策 ABSTRACT Since logistics industry appear from the United States, after decades of development, has got the preliminary .Since the reform and opening up logistics industry in China have also get some development, but with the international advanced level and a distance, including small and medium-sized logistics enterprise the development level of the whole logistics industry in China reflects the level, small and medium-sized logistics enterprise is to promote the development of the logistics industry in China and the important foundation nucleus. Have the market there is competition, also in logistics industry also is so, logistics industry is as of the enterprise is the third party profit source, reduce the cost and improve the efficiency in the enterprise of the role of more and more important, including small and medium-sized logistics enterprise development present situation most can reflect the reflected, in our country has many different system of small and medium-sized logistics enterprise, small and medium-sized logistics enterprise and the large, state-owned logistics enterprises than there is a regional, money is weak, the relative strength of speaking is poorer, development not too perfect, the constitution is insufficient, the competition i


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