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摘要 乙基叔丁基醚(ETBE)是一种性能优良的高辛烷值汽油调和组分。ETBE与乙醇及MTBE都是高辛烷汽油改良剂,也叫“生物汽油添加剂”。ETBE不但能提高汽油辛烷值的效果,而且还可以作为共溶剂使用。所以说它是具有很大的市场潜力的一种优良添加剂。Aspen plus对ETBE的反应精馏过程进行了模拟分析,并从进料板位置,回流比,反应段塔板数量等方面进行灵敏度分析,结果显示,优化后从第6块乙醇进料塔板和第21块C4进料塔板,精馏段塔板数为6,反应段塔板数为15,提馏段塔板数为5,塔板数共26,回流比为6时,产品ETBE的纯度为99.16%,与优化前纯度99.05%相比具有显著提升。 通过Aspen plus 模拟软件的填料塔模块对反应精馏塔的填料进行了优化分析,分析过程中尝试了3种填料,分别为鲍尔环(PALL)、矩鞍形填料(INTX)、贝尔鞍环(BERL),得出鲍尔环性能更优,因此,可以估算出精馏塔的实际尺寸规格,精馏塔理论塔板数为24块塔板,实际塔板数为26,塔径为5.4m。 关键词:乙基叔丁基醚、反应精馏、模拟、优化 Abstract Ethyl tertiary butyl ether (ETBE) is an excellent high-octane gasoline blending component. ETBE and ethanol and MTBE are high-octane gasoline improver, also called bio-gasoline additives. ETBE can not only increase the gasoline octane effect, but also as a co-solvent. So it is with great market potential is an excellent additive. Therefore, to improve the synthesis of ETBE is a very important practical significance. In this study, chemical process simulation software Aspen plus for ETBE reactive distillation processes were simulated and analyzed, and from the feed stage, reflux ratio, the number of other aspects of the reaction zone stages sensitivity analysis showed that, after optimization of ethanol from the 6 feed stage and the 21 is C4 feed, rectifying stages is 6, the number of reaction zone stages 15, stage number of the stripping section 5, the number of stages is 26, a reflux ratio of 6, product ETBE purity of 99.16%, and the purity of 99.05% compared to before optimization has significantly improved. By Aspen plus simulation software modules packed tower distillation of the reaction were optimized filler, the analysis process tried three kinds of packing were pall ring (PALL), saddle-shaped packing (INTX), Bell saddle ring (BERL), better performance results Pall ring, so can estimate the actual dimensions of the distillation column, distillation column theoretical satge number of 24 stages, the actual number of trays 26, column diameter is 5.4 m. Keywords: Ethyl tert-butyl ether, reac


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