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目录 目录 I 摘要 III Abstract IV 第一章 绪论 1 1.1 引言 1 1.2 智能汽车比赛简介 1 1.3 智能汽车研究目的和意义 2 1.4 论文结构 2 第二章 机械组件 3 2.1 车模搭建 3 2.2 舵机安装 3 2.3 轮胎调整 4 2.4 底盘调整 5 2.5 编码电机安装 5 第三章 硬件电路模块方案 6 3.1 电源与接口模块 6 3.2 传感器模块 7 3.2.1 红外管与红外接收管 7 3.2.1 聚光LED灯与光敏电阻 9 3.2.2 激光管与激光接收管 9 3.3 电机驱动模块 9 3.4 测速模块 9 3.5 数据传输模块与上位机方案 10 第四章 模块方案设计 11 4.1 电源与接口模块设计 11 4.1.1 电源电路 11 4.1.2 接口电路 12 4.1.2 系统转接板 14 4.2 传感器模块设计 15 4.2.1 传感器电路测试 15 4.2.2 传感器PCB板设计 16 4.3 电机驱动模块电路 18 4.4 测速模块 19 4.5 数据传输与上位机 20 4.5.1 数据传输实现 20 4.5.2 上位机模块 21 第五章 组装系统 22 第六章 设计总结 23 参考文献 25 附录 26 致谢 29 诚信承诺书 30 基于光电管的智能车硬件设计 摘要 全国大学生“飞思卡尔”杯智能汽车竞赛是在规定的模型汽车平台上,使用飞思卡尔半导体公司的8位、16位微控制器作为核心控制模块,通过增加道路传感器、电机驱动电路以及编写相应软件,制作一个能够自主识别道路的模型汽车,按照规定路线行进,以完成时间最短者为优胜。 关键字 Freescale Smart car ——electronic hardware design group Abstract National University Freescale cup competition in the provision Smart car model car platform, using Freescale Semiconductors 8-bit, 16-bit microcontroller as the core control module, by increasing the road sensors, motor drive circuit and the preparation ofcorresponding software, make a road to self-identify model car, in accordance with the stipulated way to complete the shortest time for the better.Smart cars are involved in production of professional knowledge, including control, pattern recognition, sensor technology, automotive electronics, electrical, computer, machinery and many other disciplines, and students practical hands-on knowledge integration and ability, the development of automotive electronics,has good long-term boost. In the process of intelligent vehicle we use a variety of programs than for all circuit modular interface processing, greatly reduces the circuit in the realization of the process error, divided into: the power interface module, sensor module, measuringspeed module, motor drive module, data transfer and PC module.Then connected through the interface to achieve stability in the work of intelligent vehicle hardware.He used the sens


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