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摘 要 随着我国经济的发展和能源结构的调整,采用高效、节能和清洁的天然气作为能源是人们所希望的。因而迎来了以天然气管道为中心的我国管道工业发展的第二个高潮。伴随着天然气需求量的不断增加,管道的输送压力和管径也不断增大,以增加其输送效率。现在的管道建设主要以长距离、大管径、高压输送为特征,考虑到管道运行的稳定性和安全性,本文有针对性地开展输气管道清管、试压、干燥工艺研究具有重要的现实意义。 作为国家重点工程的川气东送管道工程西起川东北普光首站,东至上海末站,是继西气东输管线之后又一条贯穿我国东西部地区输送天然气的管道大动脉。管道途经四川、重庆、湖北、安徽、浙江、上海等四省二市,设计输量120×108m3/a,设计输气压力为10.0MPa,管径为Φ1016mm,钢管材质为X70,输气干线长1700km 本文针对川气东送工程特点及技术要求,对管道的清管、试压、干燥工艺进行研究,制定出适合川气东送工程要求的清管、试压、干燥工艺,以适应川气东送管道工程特殊的地理环境和恶劣的气候环境,同时即将投入运营的管道满足有关技术标准规定的各项性能指标,以优化的清管、试压、干燥工艺指导管道建设,取得了良好的经济效益以及社会效益。 关键词:川气东送 清管 试压 干燥 实践 Abstract With the development of Chinas economic and the HYPERLINK app:ds:adjustment \t _self adjustment of energy structure,the use of high-performance,energy efficiency and cleaner natural gas as energy source is desired. And thus has welcomed take the gas line as the central our country pipe line industry development second high tide.With the increasing demand for natural gas,the transmission pressure and the diameter of pipelines also have been increased in order to increase the transmission efficiency. The HYPERLINK app:ds:characteristic \t _self characteristic of pipeline construction are characterized by Long-distance,large diameter and high-voltage transmission. The studies on the pigging,pressure test,drying process of gas pipeline have important practical significance with a view to the stability and safety of pipeline operation. As a national key project,Sichuan natural gas east transmission from northeast Sichuan Puguang West as the first station,east to Shanghai as the last station. It is another artery of gas transmission pipeline running through west to east in our country after west-to-east gas pipeline.The pipeline passes by way of Sichuan,Chongqing,Hubei,Anhui,Zhejiang and Shanghai,which involve four provinces and two municipalities. The design transmission capacity of pipeline is 120 × 108m3 / a,the design gas pressure is 10.0MPa,the diameter is Φ1016mm,steel material is X70,and the length of artery is 1700km HYPERLI



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