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J I A N G S U U N I V E R S I T Y 本 科 毕 业 论 文 我国区域低碳经济发展能力评价研究 ——基于层次分析法 Evaluation of the Ability of Chinas regional development of low-carbon economy ——Based on AHP 学 院 名 称: 财经学院 专 业 班 级: 统计0803 学 生 姓 名: 张微微 指 导 教 师 姓 名: 张珍花 指 导 教 师 职 称: 副教授 2012年 6 月 摘 要 随着城市人口的不断增长和规模的日益扩大,城市作为经济发展主要推动力的作用日趋明显。然而,城市也会消耗大量能源、排放大量温室气体,全球化背景下的城市发展正面临着住房短缺、交通拥挤、环境退化等一系列的问题,特别是有温室气体排放量增加所导致的气候变化问题最为严峻。低碳发展模式能够为城市建设提供一条新的发展路径,不仅可以达到减少温室气体排放的目的,还会为城市发展带来新的机遇。建设低碳城市已逐步成为21世纪城市可持续发展的重要内涵。所以说低碳经济发展已经是一个必然的趋势。本文主要分析了我国区域城市低碳经济发展,并且结合层次分析法对我国30个省市低碳经济的发展能力做了分析研究。同时建立了低碳产出指标、低碳消费指标、低碳资源指标、低碳政策指标,选取四个指标的二级指标中有用数据进行线性回归分析得出我国区域低碳经济发展不平衡,各省份地区发展水平具有阶级性的结论。论文最后指出推进低碳经济的发展重要的是开源节流:所谓开源即指开发新能源和增加林地植被覆被以降低温室气体的排放和增大对温室气体的吸收节流指通过产业结构的调整和能源利用效率的提高来减少碳排放 Abstract As the city continued population growth and the increasing scale of economy, city as a driving force for the development of a more and more important role. However, the city will also consume a large amount of energy, significant amounts of greenhouse gas emissions under the background of globalization, the city development is facing a shortage of housing, traffic congestion, environmental degradation and a series of problems, especially with the increase in greenhouse gas emissions that cause climate change problem is the most serious. Low carbon development mode for city construction provides a new development path, can not only achieve reduced emissions of greenhouse gases, but also for the city development brings new opportunity. Construction of low carbon city has gradually become the important connotation of city sustainable development in twenty-first Century. This paper mainly analyzes the city of our country area the development of low carbon economy, and the combination of shift-share analysis method, structure deviation component share components, competitive power shift component of Chinas 30 provinces and cities in the development of low carbon


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