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摘 要: 单片机自20世纪70年代问世以来,以其极高的性能价格比,受到人们的重视和关注,应用很广、发展很快。单片机体积小、重量轻、抗干扰能力强、环境要求不高、价格低廉、可靠性高、灵活性好、开发较为容易。由于具有上述优点,在我国,单片机已广泛地应用在工业自动化控制、自动检测、智能仪器仪表、家用电器、电力电子、机电一体化设备等各个方面,而51单片机是各单片机中最为典型和最有代表性的一种。本设计就是利用单片机的上述优点,采用目前市场上性能价格比较高的MCS-52单片机设计而成的最小系统。它在实际生活中具有广泛的应用。例如:工业生产中的定时启停自动化设备、学校中上下课铃定时控制、农村广播站每天早中晚广播的自动定时控制均可采用本仪器。本设计介绍一种以AT89C52单片机为核心,以LED数码管作为显示器件组成6位数字显示的实用多功能电子时钟的设计。该时钟可显示时,分,秒,也具有整点提醒报时及定时闹钟等功能,还可作电子秒表使用。
关键词: 计时器;数字钟;数码管显示;AT89C52
Design of the Clock Timer Based on Micro Controller Unit
Abstract : SCM since the 20th century since the advent of the 1970s, with its high cost performance, by the peoples attention and concern, a very wide application, developed very quickly. SCM small size, light weight, anti-interference capability and the environment Yaoqiubugao, low price, high reliability, flexibility, and develop more easily. Due to the above-mentioned advantages, in our country, the SCM has been widely used in industrial automation and control, automatic detection, smart instrumentation, household appliances, power electronics, electrical and mechanical equipment, and other aspects of integration, and 51 is the single-chip microcontroller For the most typical and most representative one.The clock design is used of the above-mentioned advantages, adopting the smallest system designed of MCS-52 microcontroller that has higher price-performance in current market. It has a wide application in real life. For example: the design can be used as a controller in industrial production timing starting automation equipment, school bell timing control, rural radio stations automatic timing control, and so on.The design introduces a practical electronic clock design which takes AT89C52 as the core, six-digit LED nixie tube as display components. The clock not only shows hours, minutes and seconds, but also can be used as an alarm clock and electronic stopwatch.
Key words: Timer; Digital clock; Nixie tube display; AT89C52
目 录
TOC \o 1-5 \h \z \u HYPE
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