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DB激振器设计 王修益 摘 要:本文介绍了DB激振器结构部件(包括滚动轴承、激振器)的设计方法和原则、激振器所用轴承为较大游隙普通调心球轴承,并对轴承的当量动载荷、当量静负荷还有极限转速进行了校核,它们都是符合要求的。轴承外圈公差配合采用具有一定过盈量的H7级配合,内圈采用k6级配合。轴承润滑剂选用的是2号锂基润滑脂,密封采用的是毡圈密封。本文还对轴的材料的选择原则作了说明,初步估算了一下轴径,并且校核了其强度,它是符合要求的。通过利用牛顿第二定律,建立了强迫振动的微分方程,并且还对影响激振器的振幅的大小的因素做了深入的分析,并指出了改变激振器振幅大小的方法(包括改变电机的输入转速或是改变偏心轴的偏心矩)。 关键词:激振器  皮带轮  轴承  振幅 The design of DB Vibrator Abstract: This article introduces the design methods and principle of construction of DB vibrator ( including bearing、vibrating and so on ). The bearing used in box vibrator is big play common center-adjusting roller bearing, make calculation of the equivalent of movable load , the equivalent of static load and the limit speed, and they all meet the request. The degree of fit of outer surface is H7, inner surface is h. The lubricant is li-base lubricant. The method of seal is felt by lip seals. At the same time, this article also explains the choice principle of the stalk material.,and estimates the stalk path, and makes further calculation , which meets the request. The article also establishes the differential equation of damped forced vibration of a particle by a direct application of Newton’s second law of motion, and make a further analysis of the factors that influences the amplitude of vibrating, and furthermore, which points out the methods to change the amplitude (including changing the importation of the electrical engineering or the moment of partiality moment of impartiality stalk momentum. Keywords: vibrator the leather belt bearings amplitude 绪论:随着近几十年来工业和科学技术的飞速发展,激振器在越来越多的机器上得到广泛应用,因而激振器的好坏直接影响到对整台机器的使用性能。而偏心轴式激振器由于结构简单,安装拆卸方便,因此已开始得到广泛的应用。本文就是结合偏心轴式激振器的特点,及其对偏心轴式激振器各个部件的设计过程进行了详细的讨论,据此设计的激振器获得了良好的使用效果。 ?一、激振器的总体结构设计 (图1-1)即为偏心轴式激振器的结构图,该激振器由偏心轴、密封毡圈、滚动球轴承、大小端盖和皮带轮等组成,下面就激振器各个结构部件的设计进行讨论。 ( 图1-1)激振器的结构示意图 二、带和带轮的设计 根据激振器的工作要求,初选择JHO2小系列高转差率异步电动机 功率0.8KW,转速2700m/s,电压220v,电流3.45A。 (一) 确定计算功率PC 由表13-6查得工况系数KA=1.3,故 PC = KA x P = 1.04KW (二) 选择普通v带型号 根据PC=0.8KW,n1=2700r/min,由《机械设计基础》的图13-10确


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