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摘 要 在转炉设备中的倾动机械是实现转炉炼钢生产的关键设备之一,炉体的工作对象是高温的液体金属,在兑铁水、出钢等项操作时,要求炉体能平稳地倾动和准确的停位。为获得如此低的转速,需要很大的减速比。转炉炉体自重很大,再加装料重量等,整个被倾转部分的重员要达上百吨或上千吨。目前己投产的最大炉容量为350吨转炉,其总重达到1450多吨。要使这样大重员的转炉倾转就必须在转炉耳轴上施加几百,以至几千吨力·米的倾动力矩。转炉炼一炉钢的时间,通常只有四十分钟左右。转炉领动机械的工作属于“启动工作制”。机构巾除承受基本静载荷作用外,还要承受由于启动、制动等引起的动载荷。这种动载荷在炉口刮渣操作时,其数值甚至达到静载荷的两倍以上。启、制动额繁,承受较大的动裁荷。转炉倾动机械随着氧气转炉炼钢生产的普及和发展也在不断的发展和完善,出现了各种型式的倾功机械。转炉倾动装置是转炉炼钢最主要的机械设备。一种新型多点啮合全悬挂柔性传动装置,其一次减速机采用行星差动均载机构,使设备运转更加平稳;一、二次减速机之间采取花键套装悬挂式简支结构,并将其应用于转炉倾动装置,可解决传统型全悬挂转炉倾动装置因一、二次减速机之间的静不定联接结构所带来的机构不稳定性问题,从而提高了转炉设备的运行可靠性和检修维护性。 关键字 转炉,炼钢机构,倾动机械,倾动装置 ABSTRACT In the converter device tilting converter steelmaking machinery is the key to achieving one of the devices, the work of the furnace temperature of the liquid metal object is in against the hot metal, a steel other items of operation, the required tilting furnace can be smooth and accurate?stop bit.?To obtain such a low speed,; requires a lot of reduction ratio.?Weight converter furnace, with the massive weight loading, by tilting the entire staff to be part of the weight or thousands of tons of hundreds of tons.Currently has the largest production capacity of 350 tons of converter furnace, the total weight reached more than 1450 tons.?Members of such a large weight to make the converter tilting axis to be applied in Converter hundreds of ears, as well as thousands of tons of force Moment m dump.?Converter steel smelting pot of the time, usually only four minutes later.?Converter dynamic mechanical work leading a start-up system.?In addition to the basic static towel body under load, but also take the start, braking and other dynamic load caused.?This dynamic load in the mouth blowing slag operation, its value even up to more than twice the static load.?Kai, the amount of fan brake, move the CD under large load.?With the converter tilting of oxygen converter steel production machinery popularity and development are constantly develop and improve, there has been dumping of various types of power machiner


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