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关键字:VB6.0;MSComm控件;多机串行通信火警监控系统; 多传感器
In order to minimize due to loss caused by fire accident, people use all sorts of measures to prevent such incidents, including fire monitoring system is to reduce fire produced a loss and integration of the home to be automatic alarm and computer more machine serial communication technology in the integration of a distributed measurement and control system. In this system, computer communication technology for the realization of the complete system normal real-time monitoring task is of important significance.
Based on the above reasons, this paper researches on the fire monitoring system for example interior of the PC and many sets of single chip computer serial communication between the working principle of the system, by choosing serial communication standard buses, make data format and communication parity for this monitoring system established computer serial communication protocol, and the visual interface designed through VB6.0, write serial communication software, receive from under fire monitoring a machine simulation software to send monitoring information, and feedback information to a corresponding response under machine simulation software, and realize the monitoring information of real-time display and storage.
In this paper the design program to carbon monoxide and temperature testing system of alarm signal sent to display and processing, through simulation experiment, to run the program stability, realizes the alarm information of real-time transmission
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