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基于proteus仿真的多温度自动 检测系统 作者姓名: 专业名称: 指导教师: 摘要 在工、农业生产和日常生活中,对温度的测量及控制占据着极其重要地位。在消防电气的非破坏性温度检测,电力、电讯设备之过热故障预知检测,空调系统的温度检测,各类运输工具之组件的过热检测,保全与监视系统之应用,医疗与健诊的温度测试,化工、机械…等设备温度过热检测,温度检测系统都应用的十分广泛。 本文设计的多通道温度检测系统是通过proteus仿真,利用单片机AT89C51单片机作控制器,采用数字式传感器DS18B20进行温度测量,实现多地点的温度实时检测并通过LED显示器件显示温度的功能,能方便地应用于各种温度检测场合。本设计采用DS18B20和AT89C51单片机研制了一种温度巡回检测系统。 关键词 : 单片机 AT89C51 DS18B20 温度 Abstract In the industrial and agricultural production and daily life, the right temperature measurement and control occupy a very important position. In the fire temperature detection non-destructive electrical, power, telecommunication equipment failures to predict overheating detection, air-conditioning system, temperature measurement, all kinds of means of transport of the components overheating detection, security and surveillance system applications, the temperature of medical and health consultation testing, chemical, and mechanical equipment such as temperature overheat ... detection, temperature detection systems have a wide range of applications. This design of multi-channel temperature measurement system is through proteus simulation, using microcontroller AT89C51 microcomputer as the controller, using digital sensor DS18B20 for temperature measurement, the temperature of multi-location real-time detection and through LED display device displays the temperature function can be easily used in various temperature detection occasions. This design uses DS18B20 and AT89C51 microcontroller developed a temperature circuit detection system. Key words: SCM AT89C51 DS18B20 Temperature 目录 摘要 I Abstract II 目录 III 前言 1 1 设计要求及方案 2 1.1多路温度自动检测系统技术指标 2 1.2 温度检测系统的原理功能 2 1.3 温度检测方案 2 2 单片机的基础知识 4 2.1 概述 4 2.1.1单片机的发展史 4 2.1.2单片机的应用 5 2.2单片机基本结构、引脚功能、I/O口 6 2.2.1 单片机的基本结构 6 2.2.2单片机外部引脚功能和I/O(P0、P1、P2、P3) 8 3 所用器件介绍 11 3.1 温度传感器 (DS18B20) 11 3.1.1 传感器的选择 11 3.1.2 DS18B20(温度传感器) 11 3.2 74HC595 12 3.2.1 74HC595引脚说明 13 3.2.2 74HC595 功能表、注释 13 3.3 LED显示器 14 3.3.1 LED 的优点 14 3.3.2 L


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