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摘要步进电机是将电脉冲信号转变为角位移或线位移的开环控制元件。在非超载的情况下,电机的转速、停止的位置只取决于脉冲信号的频率和脉冲数,而不受负载变化的影响,即给电机加一个脉冲信号,电机则转过一个步距角。这一线性关系的存在,加上步进电机只有周期性的误差而无累积误差等特点。使得在速度、位置等控制领域用步进电机来控制变的非常的简单。步进电机的调速一般是改变输入步进电机的脉冲的频率来实现步进电机的调速,因为步进电机每给一个脉冲就转动一个固定的角度,这样就可以通过控制步进电机的一个脉冲到下一个脉冲的时间间隔来改变脉冲的频率,延时的长短来具体控制步进角来改变电机的转速,从而实现步进电机的调速。在本设计方案中采用AT89C51型单片机内部的定时器改变CP脉冲的频率从而实现对步进电机的转速进行控制,实现电机调速与正反转的功能。  关键词:?步进电机单片机调速系统It is changing the electric impulse signal to the open loop control component of angular motion or thread displacement that step advances the electrical machinery. The rotational speed of electrical machinery and the seat that stops only to depend on frequency and the pulse of the pulse signal number under the circumstances of non- overload, and with namelying because of the influence of load change, but the electrical machinery turned one step apart from the horn. The existence of this linear relation, again step advancing the electrical machinery only error of periodicity and does not have the accumulated error etc characteristics. Makes in speed and seat etc the control domains with step advances the electrical machinery to come control what becomes very simply. Step advancing the velocity modulation of electrical machinery generally to be the frequency that the pulse of electrical machinery step is advanced in the change input is realized that the step advances the velocity modulation of electrical machinery, and advances the electrical machinery and whenever moves a built-in angle tos a pulse because of step, delay-Doppler mapping the length comes that the concrete control step advances the rotational speed that the horn comes to change the electrical machinery, thus realizes that the step advances the velocity modulation of electrical machinery. Thus the frequency that the timer which adopted inside AT89C51s mould list piece machine in this design proposal changes pulse of CPs is realized that advancing the rotational speed of electrical machinery to step control, and realizes electrical m


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