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论文题目:超声波测距仪(软件) 专 业:自动化 本 科 生: (签名)________ 指导教师: (签名)________ 摘 要超声波测距作为一种非接触性的光学测量方法,近年来得到了广泛应用。它具有测量方便,不对被测物体产生损坏等优点。超声波明显特征是方向性好,穿透性强。尤其是在光不透过的固体中,它碰到杂质或分界面就有显著的反射。因此,可以利用超声波实现对距离的测量。距离是通过测量发射的超声波与接受到被测物体反射的回波之间的时差来确定的。采用压电式超声波换能器。装置包括单片机系统、显示电路、超声波发射电路和超声波检测接收电路四部分。系统的软件部分则包括主程序、定时子程序、显示子程序和外部中断服务子程序。为了有利于程序结构化和容易计算出距离,主程序采用C语言编写。完成了超声波测距仪的软硬件设计,实现了测量结果的显示,经系统调试可看出,LED数码管显示清晰稳定,测量结果稳定可靠,测距仪最大误差不超过5cm。 关键词:超声波测距仪,单片机 Thesis: ultrasonic range finder (software) Specialty: Automation Undergraduate: (Signed) __________ Instructor: (Signed) __________ ABSTRACT Ultrasonic Ranging is a non-contact optical measurement method which has been widely applied in recent years. It has the advantages of measuring convenience, not be the object produce damage. Obvious features of the ultrasound is directional, penetrating. Especially in light opaque solid, it met the impurities or the interface will have a significant reflection.. Therefore, we can use ultrasound to achieve the measurement of distance. The distance is got by measuring 请键入文字或网站地址,或者上传文档。 time difference that between emission ultrasonic and the echo of the measured object reflection received with piezoelectric ultrasonic transducer. The device includes a microcontroller system, display circuit, ultrasonic transmitter and ultrasonic detection receiver circuit. The software part of the system include the main program, timing subroutine display routines, and external interrupt service routine. The main program use C language for conducive to the program structure and easy to calculate the distance. I complete hardware and software design of the ultrasonic range finder, and achieve measured results display. According to system debugging, LED digital display clear and measuring results are stable and reliable and the range finder error is less than 5cm. KEY WORDS: ultrasonic range finder SCM 前 言随着科技的迅猛发展越来越多科技成果被广


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