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EDA技术在电子线路设计中的应用 摘■■要 电子设计的必由之路是数字化,这已成为共识。EDA技术是伴随着计算机、集成电路、电子系统的设计发展起来的。电子技术和计算机技术的不断发展,在涉及通信、国防、航天、工业自动化、仪器仪表等领域的电子系统设计工作中,EDA技术的含量正以惊人的速度上升,它已成为当今电子技术发展的前沿之一。20世纪90年代,国际上电子和计算机技术较先进的国家,一直在积极探索新的电子电路设计方法,并在设计方法、工具等方面进行了彻底的变革,取得了巨大成功。在电子技术设计领域,可编程逻辑器件(如CPLD、FPGA)的应用,已得到广泛的普及,这些器件为数字系 统的设计带来了极大的灵活性。这些器件可以通过软件编程而对其硬件结构和工作方式进行重构,从而使得硬件的设计可以如同软件设计那样方便快捷。本文首先阐 EDA技术的基本概念和发展过程,并通过实例介绍EDA技术在电子设计中的应用。 关键词■■EDA技术概述/电子线路设计/EDA技术的发展 The rapid development of the EDA technology ABSTRACT Electronic Design is the comonly way to digital, which has become the consensus. Electronic products are being carried out at an unprecedented rate of innovation, mainly large-scale programmable logic devices in a wide range of applications. Especially in the current semiconductor technology has reached the level of deep sub-micron chip integration of high-reach stem megabits, the clock frequency to the stem MHz is also more than the development of the median data of several billion times per second, the future integrated circuit technology will be the development trend of system-on-chip SOC. In order to achieve on-chip system-on-chip programmable complex programmable logic device CPLD and field programmable gate array FPGA will become the future design of electronic systems, a direction of development. Therefore, the development of electronic design technologies to today, will face even greater significance in another breakthrough, FPGA on the basis of a wide range of EDA applications. EDA technology concepts: EDA is the electronic design automation, as it is just a new technology developed, involving a wide range of content-rich, understanding of different, so there is no one precise definiti KEY WORDS■■EDA technology, Electronic Design, EDA technology concept 前言 在数字化的道路上,电子技术经历了一系列重大的变革。从应用小规模集成电路构成电路系统,到广泛地应用微控制器或单片机 MCU ,在电子系统设计上发生了具有里程碑意义的飞跃。电子产品正在以前所未有的速度进行着革新,主要表现在大规模可编程逻辑器件的广泛应用。特别在当前,半导体工艺水平已经达到深亚微米,芯片的集成高达到干兆位,时钟频率也在向干兆赫兹以上发展,数据传输位数达到每秒几十亿次,未来集成电路技术的发展趋势将是SOC System 0h a


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