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【目 录】 中文摘要--------------------------------------------------------------------------Ⅰ 英文摘要--------------------------------------------------------------------------Ⅱ 论文结构框架图-----------------------------------------------------------------Ⅲ 目 录--------------------------------------------------------------------------Ⅳ 【中文摘要】 在交通信息化建设的今天人们一直强调设备的更新和技术的提高对公共汽车候车亭信息化建设的重要性,然而在不断的提高信息的传播速度,增加了设备的各种功能之后却没有从根本上解决公共汽车候车亭使用人群所遇到的问题。 本文建设性的提出应该把公共汽车候车亭作为传播信息的媒介来认识和设计。从分析公共汽车候车亭的使用人群的信息需求为设计的根本出发点,通过对现有公共汽车候车亭在设计上存在的问题进行分析之后,又从传播学的角度分析公共汽车候车亭中的传播要素所存在的设计问题,对公共汽车候车亭信息的选择,信息的组织,信息的强化,信息的传播的整个动态环节进行分析,从中找出公共汽车候车亭----人-----信息三者的内在联系,并且针对这些问题提出了毕业设计的设计定位。 【中文关键词】 媒介 信息 传播 【英文摘要】 On the times of traffic informative construction, the people always emphasis on the updating equipment and improving technique Which are important to the informative construction of waiting pavilion for bus station. However, it do not be solved radically that the problems people meet in waiting pavilion for bus station This paper put forward constructively that the waiting pavilion for bus station should be as the medium, which transform information to be known and designed. It is the basic starting point of the design that the analysis about informative need of the people in waiting pavilions. It can make clear internal relation among waiting pavilion for bus station, people and information, through analysis about problems of design in existing waiting pavilion, through analysis from propagating angle about the problems of design about propagating essential factors in waiting pavilion, through the choosing the information of waiting pavilion, organizing information, strengthening information, and analyzing acting links of transforming information. Then put forward my location of design in accordance with the problems above mentioned. 【英文关键词】 Medium Information Propagating 一、 背景与目的 1、研究背景 2、研究目的 二、 调查与分析 1、现有内容的调查与分析 ⑴ 公共汽车候车亭现有传播媒介分析 ⑵ 公共汽车候车亭现有信息内容分析 ⑶ 公共汽车候车亭使用人群行为分析 ⑷ 公共汽车候车亭特殊人群


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