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单线双车道公路隧道设计 摘要 本设计为陆家嘴单向双车道隧道设计,隧道进洞里程为DK8+772m,出洞里程为DK8+827m,全长55m;设计时速100km/h,隧道最大埋深20m。 根据提供的工程地质资料及相关设计标准,进行了此次设计。设计中利用作图法确定进出口里程、边仰坡开挖线及隧道长度;选用翼墙式洞门并进行强度和偏心验算;根据工程类比法采用复合式衬砌:初期支护采用喷锚支护,模筑混凝土作为二次衬砌,二者共同作用来形成整个隧道的结构支护体系,根据规范数据作衬砌横断面图,依此计算结构内力并检算其抗压、抗拉强度。 该隧道设计主要包含四个部分的内容。第一部分为洞口设计,包括隧道里程和开挖线的确定;第二部分为洞门设计,包括洞门类型的选择、洞门设计和洞门验算;第三部分为衬砌设计,包括支护形式的选择、衬砌设计和衬砌验算,其中衬砌验算是用Fortran程序完成的;第四部分是施工组织设计,主要阐述了设计依据、工程概况和一些具体的施工措施,同时对机具的配备和人力的安排提出了建议。 关键词:公路隧道;双车道;翼墙式洞门;复合式衬砌 Abstract The design is of the Lujiazui one-way two-lane tunnel design. The Milege of the tunnel entrance is DK8+772m, the Milege of the tunnel exit is DK8+827m, and total length of the tunnel is 55m. The design speed of 100km / h. The maximum depth tunnel is 20m. This paper is carried out according to the provision of engineering geological data and related design criteria. Mapping method is used to determine export mileage, side elevation slope excavation line and the length of tunnel in this design. Wing Wall Portal is selected for the design and conducted of strength and eccentric checking. According engineering analogy method using composite lining: initial support using spray anchor, mold-building-concrete as the secondary lining, both work together to form the support system of the entire tunnel. According to the specification data make cross-sectional diagram of the lining, and on the basis on the diagram calculating structural forces and seized count the compressive and tensile strength. The tunnel design consists mainly of four parts. The first part is designed for opening, Which including mileage’s and excavation line’s determination. T he second part is the Portal Design, including the choice of the Portal type, the design of the Portal type and the checking of the Portal. The third part is lining-design, including the choice of supporting form, design the lining and the checking lining, in which the checking lining is completed with a Fortran program. The last part is the construction-organization


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