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常州机电职业技术学院 毕业设计(论文) 系 部: 汽车工程系 专 业: 汽车检测与维修 题 目: DSG双离合自动变速器新技术研究 毕业设计(论文)中文摘要 DSG双离合自动变速器可以简单地描述为由一个带奇数档和一个带偶数档的两个手动变速系统组成,两离合器分别与发动机相连并经各自连接的输入轴将其动力传递到系统的主输出轴,通过两离合器工作状态的转换即原档位变速箱离合器的分离和新档位变速箱离合器的接合来实现动力不中断换档(Power-shifting)。 DSG不仅具有良好的换档品质,同时又具有手动变速器传动效率高、结构简单紧凑、扭矩适应范围广、适合于各种车型装车使用的优点。 对于这种自动变速器,本论文重点分析了其发展、应用前景、工作原理、故障诊断与维修;最后,针对目前市场上必威体育精装版的使用DSG双离合自动变速器技术的车辆进行了讲解。 关键词:DSG 换挡 双离合器 自动变速器 动力传递 换挡品质 毕业设计(论文)外文摘要 Title: DSG dual-clutch automatic transmission of new technology Abstract: DSG dual-clutch automatic transmission, a simple description of the ground with an even-odd stalls and one stall with a manual transmission system, two composed of two separately with the engine connected to the clutch and the input shaft by their respective connections to the power delivered to the system the main output shaft, clutch work through two transition states that the separation of the original stalls and a new gearbox clutch gearbox clutch gear engagement to achieve an uninterrupted power shift (Power-shifting). DSG not only has a good shift quality, at the same time with the manual transmission gearbox efficiency, simple structure, compact, torque to adapt to wide variety of models suitable for loading to use. For this automatic transmission, this paper analyzes its development, application prospects, working principle, fault diagnosis and maintenance; Finally, the view of the current market, the more popular the use of DSG dual-clutch automatic transmission technology, vehicles had been explained . Keywords :DSG shift double clutch automatic transmisson power delivery shift quality 目录 1 绪论 1 1.1 自动变速器的总体介绍 1 1.1.1 自动变速器的分类及发展 1 1.1.2 各种变速器的发展概况 3 1.2 课题背景(或引言) 3 1.2.1 DSG的国外发展概况 4 1.2.2 DSG的国内发展与前景 5 1.3 本章小结 6 2 DSG双离合自动变速器系统原理 7 2.1 DSG的总体组成 7 2.1.1 7挡DSG双离合自动变速器的总体组成 9 2.1.2 典型实例:大众新一代7挡


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