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摘 要
The mouse is daily use of computer peripherals, and its technology focus of attention. And with the work environment and the needs of constantly changing,people are more and more need a wireless function and impending function of remotde control of the mouse. It doesnt depend on the plane, no attachment distance limit.In the meantime,the development of the mouse how to reduce the volume of narrowing the mouse, the power consumption is also more and more be mouse concern for people. Wireless mouse is computer peripheral devices and the perfect combination of wireless communication technology things.
General,The mouse through the PS/2 or USB cable way will move in the distance and direction convert pulse signals to the PC. According to the work principle and agreement mouse, using the S2 mouse and 315M wireless transmitting receiving module, cooperate, making wireless PC serial serial mouse.Based on the analysis of the wireless mouse works ,wireless mouse is mainly divided into two parts.Part of is wireless communication ,Using wireless transceiver for wireless send and receive,The chips for control of the wireless transfer function complete information.Another part of is Receiver and computer communications ,then receiver received signals Under the control of the processor get through PL2303HX this kind of USB/UART chip to pass to the PC And let PC identify the corresponding operation .Behind the paper summarizes the research in wireless mouse receiver design work, are put forward need to improve and solve pr
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