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密级: NANCHANG UNIVERSITY 学 士 学 位 论 文 THESIS OF BACHELOR (20 — 20 年) 题 目 基于JAVA的宿舍管理系统开发 学 院: 软件学院 系 软件工程 专业班级: WEB084 学生姓名: 程恳 学号: 8000108161 指导教师: 陈练 职称: 副教授 起讫日期: 基于JAVA的宿舍管理系统开发 专业:软件工程 学号: 8000108161 学生姓名: 程恳 指导教师: 陈练 摘 要 现今,有很多学生宿舍都是初步使用,甚至尚未使用计算机进行信息处理?根据调查得知,他们以前对信息管理的主要方式是基于文本?表格等纸介质的手工处理,对于卫生评比等很多信息都是用人工计算?手抄进行?数据信息处理工作量大,容易出错;由于数据繁多,容易丢失,且不易查找?总的来说,缺乏系统,规范的信息管理手段?这就是管理系统的开发的基本环境?. 经过分析如此情况,我们使用,ORACLE数据库等开发工具,利用其提供的各种面向对象的开发工具,然后,对初始原型系统进行需求迭代,不断修正和改进,直到形成用户满意的可行系统. 简单易用Dormitory Management System based on JAVA Abstract Nowadays, with the increase of college students, the management of student dormitories exposed to a lot of student dormitories are preliminary, not even using computers for information processing according to the questionnaire was informed that their previous way of information management with manual calculation based on the paper at the manual processing of text, tables, etc., for a lot of information such as health assessments are the handwritten carried out. data processing workload, error-prone; due to the variety of data, easily lost and difficult to find., the lack of the system, standardized information management tools. this is the basic environment of the hostel management system development. After analysis of the case, we use the JAVA WEB ORACLE database development tool, its use of the various object-oriented development tools, the use of JAVA STRUCT and SPRING framework to quickly build a prototype application system, then the initial the prototype system needs to constantly revised and improved, until the formation of a viable system of customer satisfaction. Keyword: Dormitory Management;Convenient;JAVA W


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