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摘要 随着市场经济的发展和人们生活水平的提高,住宅小区已经成为人们安家置业的首选,小区业主不但对住宅的本身的美观、质量要求越来越高,同时对小区物业的服务和管理也要求较高。这样要求小区管理者对物业管理进行宏观的和微观的细致管理,其中最好的办法是用计算机操作的小区物业管理系统来实现对小区物业的管理,伴随着小区的的规模不断扩大和住户的不断增多,像小区中的汽车,小区附带设施,小区的各项维修、投诉等都将越来越复杂,工作量也将越来越大。还依靠人工来处理不仅效率底,必威体育官网网址性差,而且时间一长还会产生大量文件和数据,这样对查找,更新和维护带来了不少的困难。 随着计算机技术的不断普及和计算机数据处理功能不断增强,用计算机系统来对小区物业管理已经成了必要。利用网络和数据库技术,结合目前硬件价格普遍下跌与宽带网大力建设的有利优势,应用Active Server Page技术和采用Access数据库系统组件来构成考试的应用服务系统,开发了基于B/S模式多用户小区物业系统程序。它运用方便、操作简单,效率很高。本系统界面设计大方、简洁、实用,操作简单方便,是一款完全适合普通小区物业日常事务管理的软件。软件设计综合了具有一定代表性的多家物业管理公司的业务模式和需求。能实现房产、客户等小区的智能化管理,可以提高物业管理的效率。 关键词:小区物业管理 ASP技术 B/S 模式 ABSTRACT Not only along with the market economy development and the people living standard enhancement, the residential district already became the people settled down set industry the first choice, the plot owner to the housing itself artisticly, the quality requirement is more and more high, simultaneously also requested to the plot property service and the management high.Like this requests the plot superintendent to carry on macroscopic and the microscopic careful management to the estate management, in which best means is realizes with the computer operation plot estate management system to the plot property management, the secrecy is bad, moreover the time one long also can produce the massive documents and the data, like this to searches, the renewal and the maintenance has brought many difficulties.Strengthens unceasingly along with the computer technology unceasing popularization and the computer data processing function, came with the computer system to the plot estate management already to become the necessity. Using the network and the data bank technology, the union the hardware price generally falls at present the advantageous superiority which constructs vigorously with the broadband networks, technology and uses the Access database system module using Active Server the Page to constitute the test application service system, we have developed based on B/S pattern multiuser plo


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