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基于80C51太阳能发电量检测设计 摘 要 本设计对太阳能发电系统的电量监测器进行了深入研究,提出了一种低耗能、低成本电量监测器新的设计方法,制作出了该系统,完成了相关实验和测试。 本设计的第一部分首先介绍了太阳能发电系统的电量监测器的研究背景及研究现状。其次指出本文的主要工作。 第二部分首先提出了一种低耗能、低成本电量监测器新的设计方法。在详细分析了A/D转换模块、I/V、V/V转换模块、电源模块、输出显示模块基础上,给出了系统硬件设计的总体方案。并特别详细分析了系统的设计创新之处---采用霍尔电流传感器几乎在不消耗能量的情况下就可以实现I/V转换。 第三部分对系统的软件进行了设计和编程,都是利用Proteus软件对A/D转换和液晶显示进行了仿真。 第四部分实际制作了小型太阳能发电系统的电量监测器,并对系统的精度进行了测试分析,结果表明所制作出的电量监测器低功耗,随着测试时间的延长,精度将逐渐提高。 最后,对本研究课题进行了总结,并指出了新的工作方向。 关键词:太阳能发电系统 AT89S52 电量监测器 霍尔传感器 Abstract The design conducted in-depth research about the power monitor of solar power system, put forward a new kind of low energy consumption, low cost design method of electrical quantity monitor, made the system and completed the relevant experiments and tests. The first part of this design first introduces the research background and present condition about electricity monitor of solar power system. Secondly, it points out the main work of this paper. The second part of the paper puts forward a new kind of low-energy consumption, low cost design method of electrical quantity monitor. Basing on a detailed analysis of the A/D conversion module, I/V, V/V conversion module, power supply module, output module, it gives the overall scheme of the system hardware design and particularly analyses the innovation of this system design in detail---realizing I/V conversion by Hall current sensor almost without the consumption of energy. The third part carries on the design and program of the system software and simulates A/D convertor and LCD monitor by Proteus. The forth part actually produces the electricity monitor of small solar power system, tests and analyses the precision of the system. The result shows that the electrical quantity monitor is low-power consumption and with the test time going, its accuracy will gradually improve. Finally, the study subject is summarized, and a new direction is pointed out. Keywords: solar power system, AT89S52, power monitor, Hall sensor 目录 摘 要 I Abstract II 目录 III 第一章 绪


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