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Hefei University 毕业论文(设计) BACHELOR DISSERTATION 论文题目: 汽车保险的数学模型研究 学位级别: 理科学士 学科专业: 信息与计算科学 汽车保险的数学模型研究 中 文 摘 要 保险业务是一个涉及社会心理、保费、赔偿费、返回额、宣传力度以及社会法律法规的十分复杂的系统。本文利用某保险公司在开展汽车保险业务中所积累的具体数值资料,综合考虑投保者心理、保费、赔偿金额、返回额以及宣传力度等因素,应用数理统计与数学实验的方法,建立了一个汽车保险的简单实用的数学模型. 在分析政府实施安全法规前,投保人人均所担负的事故赔偿费情况的基础上,再讨论实施安全法规后,投保人人均所担负的事故赔偿费情况.对所建立的数学模型进行求解分析,最后给出:如果人均所担负的赔偿费减少,则人均所担负的风险相应的变小,相应的投保人所交的保险费也应减少的合理结论. 关键词:汽车保险;无赔款优待系统;精算模型 ;数学模型 A Mathematical Model For Automobile Insurance ABSTRACT Insurance business is a related to social psychology, insurance cost, damages, to return to the forehead, propaganda and social law laws and regulations is very complex system.A concise and helpful mathematical model for automobile insurance is built is built up by means of statistics and mathematical experiment with authentic data drawn from the automobile insurance practice of a certain insurance corporation. Factors considered include the insurants psychology, premiums, premiums, compensation coverage, return values and market promotion . On the analysis of the government to implement safety regulations before, policy-holder per capita allotted accident compensation based on the situation and discuss to implement safety regulations, policy-holder per capita allotted accident compensation condition of the established mathematical model is solved by analysis, and finally gives: if the per capita allotted to reduce damages, the per capita allotted risk corresponding smaller, corresponding policy-holder place to pay insurance premium also should reduce the reasonable conclusion. KEY WORD: automobile;No-Claim-Discount;Actuarial Models;mathematical model 目 录 第一章 前言……………………………………………………………………………………1 1.1问题的提出 2 1.2无赔款优待系统 2 1.3国内外研究现状 4 1.3.1 精算模型研究现状 4 1.3.2 NCD系统研究现状 5 1.4研究内容与目标 7 第二章 汽车保险的数学模型……………………………………………………………….7 2.1 问题的分析 7 2.2模型假设 8 2.3符号说明 8 2.4 模型建立 9 2.5


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