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基于SLM算法的PAPR抑制方法的研究与实现:摘要当今社会是一个信息工具高速发展的社会。第三代移动通信的标准已经完成,第四代移动通信的规划已经开始,可以预见的是CDMA技术不会从第四代消失,而是以OFDM(正交频分复用)为核心技术并结合CDMA提供更加优质的无线通信服务随着OFDM技术逐渐成为无线宽带接入技术的核心,由于越来越普及和成熟,人们已经开始研究OFDM在无线移动通信中的应用,并且成立了OFDM论坛来加速OFDM技术的商用。第四代无线移动的主要技术是利用OFDM原理和MIMO信道进行传输。未来的移动通信将会为大家提供更多更优质的服务。下面,文章主要介绍一下OFDM的基本原理及其的优点与缺点,本文的重点是介绍OFDM的关键技术之一,PAPR(峰均功率比)的产生原因、影响及解决该得几种算法。毕设的主要任务是研究OFDM系统中峰均功率比(PAPR)的产生原因与影响;了解典型的降低PAPR的技术:信号预畸变类、编码类和概率类技术,掌握概率类技术中的SLM算法;建立SLM算法降低PAPR的模型,并用Matlab进行软件仿真;用FPGA实现SLM算法。关键词:OFDM,峰均功率比,SLM算法,MatlabThe research?and implementationmethodsof ?PAPR?suppression based on SLMalgorithmAuthor:ZhaoHaiwangTutor:Zhang XiaolinAbstractIn todays society is an information worker high development with speed. Third generation mobile communications standard has been completed, the fourth-generation mobile communications planning has already started, it is foreseeable CDMA technology will not disappear from the fourth generation, but in OFDM as core technology combined with CDMA to provide a higher quality of wireless communications services as OFDM technology becoming wireless broadband access technology core, because more and more popular and mature, they have begun research on OFDM in wireless mobile communications, and established the OFDM Forum to accelerate the commercial OFDM technology. Fourth-generation wireless mobile technology is the use of OFDM principle and MIMO channels for transfer. The future of mobile communications will be for the u.s. to provide more and better services. Here, the article focuses on the fundamentals of OFDM and its advantages and disadvantages, the focus of this article is about one of the key technologies of OFDM, PAPR causes, impacts and solutions that have several algorithms.The main task is to graduate design studies in the OFDM system peak to average power ratio (PAPR) of the causes and effects; understand the typical PAPR reduction techniques: signal pre-distortion type, encoding type and the probability of class technology, the probabilit


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