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煤矿主通风机PLC控制变频调速系统设计Design on Coal Mine Main Fan PLC Control Variable Frequency Speed Regulation System作者姓名: 刘 静专业名称: 自 动 化072指导教师: 徐 建 英联系电话: 煤矿主通风机PLC控制变频调速系统设计摘 要煤炭资源为我国经济建设提供了强有力的能源支持。但是由于落后的煤炭生产工艺,使得我国煤炭行业本身耗能较高,甚至存在浪费能源的现象。其中风机控制浪费电能十分严重。在煤炭生产过程中,对通风机的控制除电能存在浪费现象外,还存在一定的环境污染问题。本文针对煤矿井下环境建立了模型。首先,根据通风机的特性曲线和控制功能要求,选择了合理的系统控制方案再根据选定的控制方案,设计了系统的控制电路,并对PLC、变频器、触摸屏等硬件进行了选型配置。在研究风量和瓦斯浓度控制算法的基础上,利用PLC编程软件GX8.26完成了控制系统程序的设计,再根据矿井通风机监控系统的功能要求,结合三维力控组态软件和触摸屏技术与三菱PLC的应用,通过CC-Link现场总线,将对通风机控制系统进行远程控制,完成了通风机监控系统的设计(其中FX2NPLC配有触摸屏,提供人机交流信息),并对系统中的三菱FR-E500变频器进行了参数的设置。最后,对整个控制系统的运行进行了模拟调试实验,通过实验室的模拟实验,证明了该控制系统能根据巷道的风量的大小,调整风机的转速大小,满足掘进巷道中安全生产所需要的风压风量。关键词:通风机;变频器;PLC;触摸屏;组态 Design on Coal Mine Main Fan PLC Control Variable Frequency Speed Regulation System ABSTRACTCoal resource provides powerful energy support to economic construction in our country. Because the processing technique of coal industry is backward, it is highly energy-consuming, even energy-wasting,For example, ventilator control system wastes a lot of electrical energy. The control of ventilator could cause some pollution besides the waste of power when it is working. This paper researched and designed its frequency control system. Firstly, the paper chose rational system control scheme based on experimental performance curves and control requirements of mine ventilator. Then control circuit was designed on the scheme. At the same time, hardware such as PLC, Frequency converter, Touch screen was distributed. Based on the research of air and methane control algorithm, the PLC control program of system was designed with GX8.26. After that, according to functional requirements of system, the monitoring system of mine ventilator was designed with Force Control Configuration software and touch screen technology and PLC of Mitsubishi. The control system of ventilator could be operated by CC-Link by distance (FX2NPLC with touch screen provides information for man-machine communication).Then th