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三相晶闸管温控器的设计与研究 摘要 由于普通的晶闸管只具有控制导通的能力,并不具有自主关断的能力,它的关断需要依靠外部电路创造一定的条件,应用在斩波控制中时,需要有辅助关断的电路,这使电路的结构变得更加复杂,同时也降低了装置的可靠性。因此在晶闸管出现后又陆续研究发展了具有能自主控制导通和关断能力的电力电子器件,如电力晶闸管、可关断晶闸管、电力电子效应管、IGBT等一系列可以控制导通和关断的电力电子器件系列。现在的电力电子器件正在不断地研究发展中,制造工艺也在不断的改进,一些性能不高的器件逐渐被淘汰,如电力晶闸管已经基本淡出市场,场控晶闸管也已经停止了继续研发,高耐压、高频、大电流、易驱动、低损耗的电力电子器件的研发已成为主要的发展方向,并且电力电子器件的模块化、集成化和智能化也成为器件生产制造的趋势。模块化是将多个电力电子器件组成的电路封装到一个模块中;集成化是将功率模块和驱动、检测、保护等功能集成而为一,使器件使用更方便安全。 Abstract As the ordinary thyristor conduction only have the ability to control, does not have the ability to self-shutdown, and its need to rely on external circuitry off to create certain conditions, when used in the chopper control, the need for auxiliary shutdown Circuit, which makes the circuit structure becomes more complex, but also reduces the reliability of the device. So then after another study appeared in the SCR have developed self-control can turn on and turn-off capability of power electronic devices, such as power thyristors, GTO, power electronic effect tube, IGBT and a series can Turn-on and off control of power electronic devices series. Now the power electronic devices are constantly in research and development, manufacturing processes are constantly improving, some performance is not high, the device is gradually phased out, such as power thyristors has been basically out of the market, field control thyristor has ceased to R D, high voltage, high frequency, high current, easy to drive, low-loss research and development of power electronic devices has become the main direction of development, and modular power electronic devices, integrated and intelligent devices have become the trend of manufacturing . Modular is composed of multiple power electronic devices in a circuit package module; integrated power modules and driver is, detection, protection and as a functional integration, more convenient and safe to use the device. Keywords: Thermostat; Three Phase; Thyristor; Regulator 目录 1 绪论 1 1.1引言 1 1.2 选题背景及目的 1 1.3 晶闸管温控器的发展状


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