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折板机PLC控制系统设计 摘 要 折板机控制系统是用来控制折板生产线的,是工业自动控制领域中经常应用到的,人们从事生产生活活动对板材的需求量很大,U型板板材在现实生活中也有极广的应用:从汽车的金属顶蓬到我们身上的金属饰物,从石油管道阀门中的一个U片到航天科技中的细小的电机组成零件,从农业灌溉中的U型铁制渠道到卫星接收器的金属外皮等等。可以说,我们的科研、生产和生活与其息息相关。正因为U型板材的重要作用,为了提高U型板材的生产效率,保证板材制成品的质量和板材生产的安全,应该对其生产线、生产工艺以及生产可靠性加以改进。U型板折板机控制系统通过可编程控制器的编程和组态软件的使用,解决了以往对U型板加工费时、费力、费材料的问题并消除了存在的安全隐患。PLC的编程应用CX-Programmer编程软件完成PLC的程序设计。CX-Programmer编程软件支持模块化设计,在程序编写时可以直接将编写好的程序通过RS-232C传送到PLC来控制现场设备。为了能实时监控U型板整个加工过程的工作状态、设备运行情况,实现远程监控,利用世纪星组态软件完成实时监控系统的设计。 关键词:U型板折板机;可编程控制器;世纪星组态软件 Abstract Folding plate machine control system is used to controll folding plate production line, which is used extersirely in industrial automation field. People have greatly demand to slab in their production and living activities, so U-shaped slab is broadly applied in reality, as to metal, from car’s roof to people’s ornament , from a U-shaped piece of oil value to a electrical spare of space technology , from the U-shaped metal channel in agriculture to the metal to statellite receiving set and so on .We draw the conclusion that our scientific research is closely related to our production and living. Because the U-shaped slab plays an important role, so its production line, production technology and production reliability are to be improved for raising its productivity, ensuring quality of the end product and safety in production.The thesis “U-shaped folding plate machine control system” describes the utilization of Programmable Logical Controller and Configuration-software, which can solute the hidden trouble of safety and can solve the issue to processing fees, the energy and materials .Besides, PLC program completes its design by using CX-Programmer. Due to program software support the patterning design, so when the program is edited, the ready program can be transmitted to PLC directly, through RS-232C to control spot equipment. In order to remote monitor, the U-shaped plate processing condition, run-time equipment situation constantly ,it is necessary to


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