
推挽式直流开关电源的设计 毕业论文.doc

推挽式直流开关电源的设计 毕业论文.doc

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推挽式直流开关电源的设计 摘要 关键词: Abstract With the rapid development of modern communication technology, communication power of the weight, volume, reliability, efficiency, and put forward higher requirements. The power applied to the phase-shifted full-bridge where the DC/DC converter has a simple structure, high output power, high efficiency, easy to realize soft-switching, the power switch is exposed to a series of voltage and current stress of the advantages, therefore, its study is of great significance. This article first DC/DC boost converter current triggering the main circuit, input circuit, feedback circuit control chip, push-pull transformers were in detail.The focus of the MOS FET loss problems were studied and analyzed. Secondly, the paper also used in this study a brief introduction devices and gives the necessary parameters of the device, the establishment of a model and simulation using Protel Altium Designer 6.9 software to analyze the stability of the system. Finally, the simulation results according to their actual circuit and thus made all the normal debugging, achieves the required effect. Keywords: DC/DC boost converter; push-pull transformer; feedback circuit control chip 目 录 摘 要 I 1 绪论 1 1.1开关电源的发展历程 1 1.2开关电源的分类 1 1.2.1按驱动方式分类 1 1.2.2按能量转换过程的类型分类 2 1.2.3按输入与输出是否隔离分类 2 1.2.4按功率开关管关断和开通工作条件分类 2 1.3开关电源的特点 2 1.4本文主要工作 3 2 开关电源的基础知识 4 2.1开关电源DC/DC变换器的软开关技术分类 4 2.2开关电源移相全桥DC/DC变换器控制技术 5 2.3开关电源常用拓扑结构 6 2.3.1非隔离式开关电源拓扑结构 6 2.3.2隔离式开关电源拓扑结构 8 2.3.3开关电源各种拓扑结构的比较 10 2.4开关电源的调制方式 10 2.4.1脉冲宽度调制 10 2.4.2 脉冲频率调制 10 2.4.3 混合调制 11 2.5开关电源的控制方式 11 2.5.1电压控制模式 12 2.5.2电流控制模式 13 3 开关电源主电路的设计 15 3.1逆变器的工作原理 15 3.2换器的滤波电容和电感的选取 16 3.2.1滤波电容的选取 16 3.2.2滤波电感的选取 17 3.2.3高频逆变电源的设计核心就是变压器的设计 17 3.3变压器绕制步骤 18 3.4硬件抗干扰措施 19 3.5仿真结果 19 4 开关电源控制芯片的设计 22 4.1 TL494芯片简介 22 4.2外围电路的介绍 26 4.3仿真结果 27 5 开关电源反溃电路的设计 28 5.1电源反馈部分的工作原理 28 5.2仿真结果 30 6 结论 31 致 谢 33 参考文献 34 绪论 1.1开关电源的发展历程 随着电子技术的发展, DC/DC 电源已经形成一个庞大的工业, 材料、工艺、外封装的不断改进, 使DC/DC产品普遍被工业界采用, 并在军界、医疗、宇航等领域迅速推广。现已有数家产值达数千万美元的公


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