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普 通 本 科 毕 业 设 计 题 目: 基于单片机的红外测温仪的设计与制作 院 别 软件与通信工程学院 学生姓名 学 号 专 业 通信工程 届 别 指导教师 职 称 摘 要 在发生重大的疫情如SARS,需要快速测量人体体温;还恶劣生产条件、特殊环境,需要远距离非接触的测量温度等情况下,传统的温度计达不到要求,因此设计了红外测温仪,达到快速、非接触式测温的目的。 本文介绍了红外测温仪的基本原理和实现方法,提出了以AT89S51单片机为其核心控制部件的红外测温系统。该系统主要由光学系统、热释电传感器RE200B、LM324信号放大电路、A\D数模转换电路、AT89S51单片机、LCD1062液晶显示部分等部 分组成。光学系统汇集其视场内目标的红外辐射能量,红外能量聚焦在热释电传感器上并转变为相应的电信号。放大电路把电信号放大,然后通过A/D转换电路,把模拟信号转换成数字信号。AT89C51单片机负责控制启动温度测量、接收测量数据、并按照单片机中的温度值计算算法计算出目标的温度值再通过LCD1062液晶显示电路把结果显示出来。 红外测温打破了传统的测温模式,它响应快,测量精度高,可靠性强,范围广,为非接触测量,因而不易损坏,该温度计以其准备快捷的测量功能,和清晰易懂 的数字化显示方便了人们日常生活和工作以及科研领域的使用。 【关键词】红外测温仪 热释电传感器 AT89C51 Abstract Its necessary to measure temperature of body fast when a major epidemic outbreak like SARS, and The traditional thermometer is not up to the requirements in the special conditions for example environment of production badly ,measure temperature for a long distance and non-contact .Therefore, we design the infrared thermometer to measure temperature in the special conditions. The paper introduces the principle and implementation method of the infrared temperature detector. The AT89S51 is the control unit of core in the system of the infrared thermometer .The system in this designation is composed of optical systems, RE200B, LM324, A/D conversion circuit, AT89S51 and LCD1062. The system assembles the aims IR radiation energy of field-of-views (FOV) , IR energy assemble in pyroelectric sensor and conversion of IR energy to electrical signal .The maplify circuit has a electrical signal enlarged ,then convert an analog signal into a digital one by using the A/D conversion circuit .The AT89S51 controls the temperature Measuring system, and receives the data of measurement and use the Calculation Method of the temperature to get the aims temperature . LCD1062 display the temperature. The infrared thermometer is different form the raditional thermometer, .It response past , high



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