
Pureception 密度梯度离心法在夫精人工授精中的应用.doc

Pureception 密度梯度离心法在夫精人工授精中的应用.doc

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网络出版时间:2011-1-9 17:27 网络出版地址:/kcms/detail/64.1008.r1727.008.html Pureception 密度梯度离心法在夫精人工授精中的应用 , [摘要] 目的 探讨 Perceptions 密度梯度离心法在夫精宫腔内人工授精(AIH)中的应用价值。 方法 选择 81 例 AIH 周期,采用 Pureception 密度梯度离心法处理精液,电子计算机精液分析仪分析精液,应 用苏木素-伊红染色法观察 30 例处理前后精子形态学变化。结果 精液密度由处理前(45.18±29.19) 6 6 计学意义(P0.01),处理后正常形态精子为(20.10±11.42)%,较处理前显著增高(P0.01)。结论 Pureception 密度梯度离心法是一种适用于 AIH 精液处理的方法。 [关键词] Pureception;精子活率;参数;形态 [中图分类号] R698.2 [文献标识码] A The application of Pureception gradient centrifugation technique in intrauterine insemination Liu ChunLian,Hu Rong, Jia Shaotong, Wu Xin, Yang Haiyan, Jing WanHong, Xu Xian Center of reproductive medicine, Hospital affiliated Ningxia Med. Uni.; Dept.of key laboratory of reproduction and genetics, Ningxia Hui autonomous region;Key Laboratory of Fertility Preservation and Maintenance Ningxia Medical University, Ministry of Education Yinchuan Ningxia, China 750004 [Abstract]]Objective To probe into the application of Pureception gradient centrifugation technique in intrauterine insemination of husband (AIH).Methods Prepare the semen by Pureception gradient centrifugation technique,The computer assisted sperm analysis was applied to analyze the vitality and the rate of live of the Sperm in 81 cycles,the artificial revised method of the sperm morphology detection system was used to analyze the sperm morphology of 30 samples.Results After recovered,the density(100.49±65.51)x106/ml , motility (83.59±16.69)% were markedly improved ,the rate of normal sperm(20.10±11.42)% was markedly increased.Conclusion Pureception gradient centrifugation technique can be used as a better way for sperm recovery before AIH. [Key words] Pureception;sperm motility;parameter;morphology 随着人类辅助生殖技术的进展,目前已有较多体外精液处理的方法应用在夫精人工授精 (AIH)中[1-2]。为了评价 Pureception 梯度离心法处理精液前后对精子回收情况以及受精率 的影响,我们对处理精液前后的精子参数及形态学进行了对比性研究。 1  材料与方法 1.1 研究对象 选择2009年2月至5月在我中心接受AIH治疗的81个周期。男性年龄27~54岁,平均34.4 ±5.87岁;不孕年限1~10年,平均4.64±3.57年,处理前精液量(2.50±1.69)ml,处理后 均 调 整 为 0.3ml 。 排 除


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