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32 15 Vol.32 No.15 May 25, 2012
74 2012 5 25 Proceedings of the CSEE ©2012 Chin.Soc.for Elec.Eng.
0258-8013 (2012) 15-0074-10 TM 301 A 470·40
( 210016)
Power Inverter Fault Analysis and Fault-tolerant Control of
a Single Winding Bearingless Slice Motor Driven by H-bridge
REN Xinyu, WANG Xiaolin
(College of Automation Engineering, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 210016, Jiangsu Province, China)
ABSTRACT: Aiming at the problem that single winding 1 2
bearingless slice motor driven by H-bridge cannot run normally
due to fault of power switches in power inverter system. Taking
a six-phase single winding slice motor for example, this paper H
analyses H-bridge work mode and the influence caused by fault
of the power inverter when the switch tube is at open-circuit
and short-circuit state. Based on the analysis, a mathematical 0
model of short-circuit current was derived and a general
fault-tolerant control strategy has been proposed. The method,
using the reconstruction of healthy phases, compensates the
impact to the system caused by the fault power module, and
meets the stable operation of motor required levitation force
and torque. The fault-tolerant control strategy was verified by
finite element simulation. Finally, taking the experiments of the [1-7]
first and second phases’ power switches working at
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